Advisory ID: SGMA15-001 Title: DokuWiki persistent Cross Site Scripting Product: DokuWiki Version: 2014-09-29c and probably prior Vendor: Vulnerability type: Persistent XSS Risk level: Medium Credit: Filippo Cavallarin - CVE: N/A Vendor notification: 2015-03-18 Vendor fix: 2015-03-19 Public disclosure: 2015-03-23 Details DokuWiki version 2014-09-29c (and probably prior) is vulnerable to Persistent Cross Site Scriptng in the admin page. An attacker may use this vulnerability to execute javascript in the context of a logged admin user. Since the vulnerable page has forms with the CSRF token (the same for all requests), a full backend compromise may be possible. To successfully exploit this vulenrability an attacked must: 1. have an account on the target site 2. trick and admin to visit a link or to edit user account Proof of concept: 1. change your account real name to: my name" autofocus onfocus="alert('code executed') 2. login as admin and try to edit the user profile from User Manager Solution Apply the latest hotfix from vendor's site References Filippo Cavallarin