Dear Security Gurus, 6th year | CFP opens on 6th Aug 2014 | conference on 6th Feb 2015. Welcome to nullcon 666! Bring out the beast in you. we are happy to open the CFP. Time to tickle your gray cells and submit your research. Training: 4th-5th Feb 2015 Conference: 6th-7th Feb 2015 CFP 666 ======= Website - Submit under any of the below options Papers (40 mins - 1 hr) Events (Sub-events, Competitions, CTF, BOFs) Recreation (Fun events, Games, Parties, Tech Rock bands, Djs) Tutorials (2-3hrs Workshops, hacking villages) Submission Topics ============== - Anything that aligns with our motto - "The neXt security thing!" is welcome. - And as a special consideration for 666 anything beastly devilish is also welcome. Categories ======== The talk time duration includes time for questions and answers (5-10 minutes) - New Research Category (40 mins - 1 hr) - is a deep knowledge technical track that includes new research, tools, vulnerabilities, zero days or exploits. - Desi Jugaad (30 mins - 1 hr) - is our signature new research category talk and includes any local hacks. This category is dedicated to hackers who find innovative tech/non-tech solutions for real-life challenges. - Current Research Category (30 mins - 1 hr) - comprises of known security issues, case studies, twist to an existing research, tool, vulnerability, exploit or research-in-progress. Although this track is fairly technical, it covers known techniques, analysis and research already published or presented even though there might be some additions to it. - Tool Category (30 mins - 1 hr) - Comprises of open source security tools, exploits, frameworks etc. This is an excellent opportunity for the original authors to showcase their software to the world. Submission Format =============== Email the paper to: cfp@xxxxxxxxxxx The subject should be: CFP Goa 2015 < Paper Title > Email Body: 1. Name 2. Handle 3. Talk Category (Mentioned above i.e. - For talks - new research/current research/desi Jugaad/tool. - For other things - Event/Recreation/Tutorials) 4. Time required (including 5-10 mins of QA) 5. Paper Title 6. Country (and City) of residence 7. Organization and Designation 8. Contact Number 9. Have you presented or submitted this paper at any other conference(s) or magazine(s)? Yes, No. If yes, where? and how this submission is different from the previous ones. Note that new research talks already given elsewhere or are due to be given elsewhere prior to nullcon will be considered as current research category talks unless they consist of cutting edge and ground breaking technology, which is at the judgment of the review committee. 10. Are you releasing an open source tool? Yes/No. (If yes, please include the source code for review) 11. Are you releasing an exploit? Yes/No. (If yes, please include the source and vulnerability details for review) 12. Are you releasing a new vulnerability/Zero-day? Yes/No. (If yes, please send us the details, including reproduction procedure, for review) 13. Why do you think your paper is different/innovative (for all categories) and how does it qualify as new work/research(for Research category only)? 14. Are there any live demonstrations (These earn you good points during review)? Yes/No. (If Yes, how many? Also please explain each demo) 15. Brief Profile ( less than or equal to 500 Words) 16. Paper Abstract Please provide detailed working or your research/work. The more details you provide the better it is for the reviewers. Please keep the abstract to the point. Please do not try to hide the technical details or say "I can't disclose it till bla bla" as it does not help the reviewers in any way and may give your paper a low score because of insufficient information available in the abstract. 17. Your high resolution photo (attached) Note ==== - Only the original authors should submit their research and any submission from a third party will be rejected. - The Abstract should clearly mention the techniques and hacks in detail and merely mentioning that it works will not help in understanding the research to its full extent. - Be as descriptive as possible in the abstract. - Attach your source code/exploit/full paper along with the submission - nullcon is an open knowledge/research sharing platform and hence product/company marketing and pitches will be rejected. We request you not to submit any product specific talk. Important Dates ============ CFP Opens: 6th Aug 2014 1st round of Speaker list Online: 6th Sept 2014 CFP Closing Date: 1st Nov 2014 Final speakers List online: 6th Nov 2014 Detailed Paper submission by selected speakers: 6th Jan 2015 Training Dates: 4th-5th Feb 2015 Conference Dates: 6th-7th Feb 2015 Review ====== We have an external review panel that scores the papers and based on the scoring we take a call on acceptance of papers. Speaker Benefits ============= For the New Research and Desi Jugaad Category ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Travel Reimbursement (Either actuals or the below mentioned amounts, whichever is less) - International Speaker (USD 1000) - National Speaker (INR 7000) Complimentary Accommodation for 3 nights. Complimentary VIP conference pass. Invitation to speaker party. Invitation to Mehfil-E-Mausiqi (networking cocktail). For the Current Research and Tool Category ---------------------------------------------------------------- Complimentary shared accommodation near the venue for 2 nights. Complimentary VIP conference pass. Invitation to speaker party. Invitation to Mehfil-E-Mausiqi (networking cocktail) Terms ===== * Only one speaker will be eligible for the benefits in case there are two or more speakers for a talk. ** By submitting a paper and agreeing to talk at nullcon you give Payatu Technologies Pvt. Ltd. the right to post, publish, re-distribute online and offline, soft and/or hard copies of your presentation material including slides, source code, detailed paper and the recorded video of the presentation and you. Regards, nullcon Team