############################################################## FFRI, Inc. Security Advisory Crafted packet can cause denial of service on Juniper SSG20 2014/01/14 ############################################################## === Summary === Crafted ICMP ECHO REQUEST can cause denial of service on Juniper SSG20 === Severity === Middle === Affected Products === Juniper SSG20 (Screen OS Firmware Version 6.1.0r5.0) === Potential Security Impact === Denial of Service === Solution === Enable the Ping of Death screen === Detailed Description === == Time Table == 2011/06/01 The vulnerability was reported to IPA(Information-technology Promotion Agency) 2013/12/13 JVN #28436508 released === Credits === This vulnerability was discovered by Shuichiro Suzuki of FFRI. === Reference === CVE No. : CVE-2013-6958 https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2013-6958 Mozilla Foundation Security Advisory : https://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2013/mfsa2013-33.html FFRI Advisory URL: http://www.ffri.jp/cgi-bin/advisory/advisory.cgi?type=release&id=FFRRA-20131213 === About FFRI === FFRI is a leading security products and service vendor in Japan providing innovative security software and vulnerability research information. Our commitment is to secure our IT-driven society by protecting information system from unpredictable threats. http://www.ffri.jp research-feedback@xxxxxxx === Copyright === 2007 - 2014 FFRI, Inc. All rights reserved.