Passwords^13 ( December 2-3, 2013 Bergen, Norway CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS ==================================== Per Thorsheim, with the support of FRISC (, the University of Bergen and Stricture Consulting Group, organize PasswordsCon, the fifth edition of a technical conference only devoted to passwords and related authentication methods. Passwords are the most common authentication method on internet services and on computers in general, regardless of their form factor (desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.). Dissatisfaction with the robustness and usability of current approaches has motivated the previous editions of the Passwords conference, and more recently prompted the organization of the Password Hashing Competition. The purpose of PasswordsCon is to gather leading researchers in passwords security and authentication methods in general, so as to best understand the challenges posed and to address them adequately. Details on the conference as they are ready will appear at our website: == TOPICS == PasswordsCon asks for submissions on topics including, but not limited to: - Password hashing functions * New algorithms & constructions * Cryptanalytic attacks on classical security notions * Hardness circumvention attacks * Formal definitions and proofs * Implementation on users' platforms * APIs - Attacking password hashes * CPU/GPU coding * Online/offline password guessing and cracking * Distributed attacks * Ruleset generation & optimization * Hardware implementation (ASIC, FPGA) * Password profiling of people (patterns, habits) - Passwords security and usability * Empirical studies * Strength metrics * Mobility issues * Policies * Password management software == SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS == To submit to PasswordsCon, fill the submission form below, and email it to cfp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Submissions mainly consist of a description of the presentation proposal and of information on the speaker. We do NOT require the submission of a formal original paper. == DATES == October 2 - Public CFP October 30 - Submission deadline November 1 - Notification to speakers December 2-3 - PasswordsCon conference == REVIEW PANEL == Submissions with be evaluated by a panel of experts including - Per Thorsheim (chair) - Jean-Philippe Aumasson - Jeremi Gosney ------------------------------- Submission form PasswordsCon December 2-3, 2013 Bergen, Norway SUBMISSION FORM ==================================== Please fill out this form completely and email to cfp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx If you wish to submit several presentations, please fill different forms for different submissions. == SPEAKER == - Name or handle: - Primary email: - Primary mobile number: If you are accepted we can publish your social media information on the speaker page. If you want your information made public so that attendees can contact you or follow your work, please list it here. - URL: - Twitter handle: - Facebook page: - IRC nickname & network: - Bio (Professional history, achievements, bragging points. Let people know who you are, and why you're qualified to speak on this topic.): == PRESENTATION == - Title: - Abstract (max 200 chars): - Details (max 1000 chars): - Is there a demonstration? (Y/N) - Are you releasing a new tool? (Y/N) - How much time does your presentation require? (15, 30, or 60 minutes) - Has this presentation been given in any other venue or conference? (Y/N) Y (no yet, in a week, private conference) - We will provide one LCD projector, a microphone, and an internet connection. Will your presentation require any additional equipment? (Y/N, explain.) - Any special requests for your presentation? == TERMS AND CONDITIONS == By submitting you agree to the Terms and Conditions below. Please read and accept these terms by inserting your name in the appropriate area, otherwise your application will be considered incomplete and returned to you. 1) I warrant that the above work has not been previously published elsewhere, or if it has, that I have obtained permission for its publication, and that I will promptly supply the PasswordsCon committee with wording for crediting the original publication and copyright owner. 2) If I am selected for presentation, I hereby give PasswordsCon permission to duplicate, record and redistribute this presentation; including, but not limited to, the conference proceedings, video, audio, hand outs(s) to the conference attendees for educational, on-line and all other purposes. 3) I will include a detailed bibliography as either a separate document or included within the presentation of all resources cited and/or used in my presentation. 4) I will complete my presentation within the time allocated to me - not running over the time allocation. 5) I understand that PasswordsCon will provide 1 LCD projector feed, 1 microphone, and internet connectivity. I understand that I am responsible for providing all other necessary equipment, including laptops (with VGA output), to complete my presentation. 6) I understand that I will be responsible for my own hotel and travel expenses. I, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, have read the Term and Conditions and agree to the terms as detailed. Website: