Hello All, CHMag Journal is seeking submissions for September 2013 issue. Topics and interest areas include, but not limited to the following:- - OS exploitation - Application hacking - Mobile Application Security - Rootkits and Malware - Forensics and Anti-forensics - Embedded device/hardware security and exploitation - Botnet communication, C&C and takedowns - Radio communication hacking - GSM/3G/LTE/5G networks ? security and exploitation - Network security - Intrusion Prevention/Evasion techniques - APT Prevention/Evasion techniques - GRC - Privacy - Surveillance - Auditing Submission guidelines : 1) Article should be in doc/odt/txt format. 2) Submissions must include author's brief profile and a photograph. 3) Submission due date - 24th Aug, 2013 Please send your articles, queries to abhijeet@xxxxxxxx Regards, Abhijeet Patil, CHMag Journal http://chmag.in