If you have prepared a Lightning Talk already, thanks we are looking forward to seeing you! Otherwise, you've got one last weekend ahead of you to dig out that project you *know* you've been dying to talk about but haven't quite got the rough edges off... This month we're doing our annual lightning talk session, and we welcome any and all 15 minute submissions. (Can be shorter if you prefer.) In fact, don't bother submitting them, just come along and give us what you've got! There will be prizes! Probably hacking related, who knows? And some stickers, obviously. And maybe a hard-to-get t-shirt or two... If you want to display slides from your MacBook or Netbook please note that the projector only has a VGA connection. *** Venue: The Phoenix, Cavendish Square http://www.phoenixcavendishsquare.co.uk/ Date: Tuesday 25th June, 2013 Time: 17:30 till kicking out - talk starts at 19:30 Entry is free, see you there! http://dc4420.org I trust you all to bring a variety of talks! Cheers, Tony