Hi All, I am pleased to announce the first version of Hackersh (http://www.hackersh.org). Hackersh ("Hacker Shell") is a free and open source shell (command interpreter) written in Python with built-in security commands, and out-of-the-box wrappers for various security tools, using Pythonect as its scripting engine. Pythonect is a new, experimental, general-purpose high-level dataflow programming language based on Python. It aims to combine the intuitive feel of shell scripting (and all of its perks like implicit parallelism) with the flexibility and agility of Python. The combination of the two makes: "http://localhost" -> url -> nmap -> w3af -> print An actual workflow that takes 'http://localhost', parses it as a URL, scans it for open ports (via Nmap), and for each HTTP service - launches a separate web vulnerabilities scan (via W3af). Curious about the output? Here's a screenshot: http://hackersh.org/hackersh000dev0_1.png Hackersh is not limited to penetration testing and can be applied to other security domains including but not limited to: malware analysis, vulnerability development and intelligence gathering (OSINT). You can read more about Hackerh and its features at: http://blog.ikotler.org/2013/04/hackersh-01-release-announcement.html If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me Regards, Itzik Kotler | http://www.ikotler.org