Security Advisory - VMWare Tools susceptible to binary planting by hijack ========================================================================= Summary : VMWare Tools susceptible to binary planting Date : 4 September 2012 Affected versions : Product versions prior to - Workstation 8.0.4 Player 4.0.4 Fusion 4.1.2 View 5.1 ESX 5.0 P03 ESX 4.1 U3 Not affected: ESX 4.0, ESX 3.5 CVE reference : CVE-2012-1666 Details ================ VMWare Tools handles many functions involved with host-guest interactivity, providing a richer environment for the end-user and server administrators alike. Part of VMWare Tools responsibilities is handling printer services through host and is called by a third-party acquired tool (ThinPrint). During initiation, which occurs during many steps throughout printer comm. negotiation, a non-existent dynamic-link library is called, resulting in an unqualified dynamic-link library call to 'tpfc.dll'. A user with local disk access can carefuly construct a DLL that suits the pattern that is being traversed by the client and implement it somewhere along the search path and the client will load it seamlessly. Impact ================ After the DLL has been implemented, an unsuspected user that will run printer services, for example, will cause it to load, resulting in arbitrary code execution under user's privilege level. This vector of attack is mainly used in a local privilege escalation scenarios, user credential harvesting and can be used by malware to disguise itself, amongst other uses. Proof of Concept ================ #include <windows.h> int hijack_poc () { WinExec ( "calc.exe" , SW_NORMAL ); return 0 ; } BOOL WINAPI DllMain ( HINSTANCE hinstDLL , DWORD dwReason , LPVOID lpvReserved ) { hijack_poc () ; return 0 ; } Solution ================ Official patches were delivered by vendor and can be fetched from Credits ================ The issue was responsibly reported by Moshe Zioni from Comsec Global Consulting. Timeline ================= 4 September 2012 Security advisory released by Comsec Consulting 31 August 2012 Vendor finished on deploying fixes to products, release notes published 13 March 2012 Vendor started to implement fixes to products 14 February 2012 First response from vendor 13 February 2012 Bug reported by Moshe Zioni from Comsec Global Consulting to VMWare and third-party printer driver developers in sync References ================= VMWare Release notes Comsec Global Consulting