-------------------------------------------- CommPort 1.01 <= SQL Injection Vulnerability -------------------------------------------- Discovered by: Jean Pascal Pereira <pereira@xxxxxxxxx> Vendor information: "A 'Community Portal' generator that can be tailored for any location. Each user gets a personal portal page to which they can add their own 'channels' or select from a growing list of pre-prepared local, national and international content. This allows any individual to always have a page of their own personal favourites in front of them. Channels may be either 'active' with continually updated content such as weather or news headlines or 'passive' with collections of links." Vendor URI: http://www.tc.ca/commport/ ---------------------------------------------------- Risk-level: Medium/High The application is prone to a SQL injection vulnerability. ---------------------------------------------------- signup.cgi, line 43: $Method = $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'}; $PathInfo = $ENV{'PATH_INFO'}; $Query = new CGI; if ($Method eq "POST") { $UN = $Query->param("UN"); $PW1 = $Query->param("PW1"); $PW2 = $Query->param("PW2"); $EMail = $Query->param("EMail"); $FName = $Query->param("FName"); $LName = $Query->param("LName"); $Addr = $Query->param("Addr"); $City = $Query->param("City"); $Prov = $Query->param("Prov"); $PCode = $Query->param("PCode"); $Country = $Query->param("Country"); ---------------------------------------------------- signup.cgi, line 226: $cmd = "insert into User (un,pw,email,fname,lname,address,community,prov,postal,country,Joined) values " ."(\"${UN}\",\"${PWC}\",\"${EMail}\",\"${FName}\",\"${LName}\",\"${Addr}\",\"${City}\",\"${Prov}\",\"${PCode}\",\"${Country}\",now())"; $sth = $dbh->do($cmd) || &DumpError($sth->errstr); ---------------------------------------------------- Solution: Do some input validation. ----------------------------------------------------