Title: ====== Arasism (IR) CMS - File Upload Vulnerability Date: ===== 2012-07-12 References: =========== http://www.vulnerability-lab.com/get_content.php?id=657 VL-ID: ===== 657 Common Vulnerability Scoring System: ==================================== 6.5 Abstract: ========= The Laboratory Researcher (Nafsh) Ehram Shahmohamadi (sec-lab.ir) discovered a File Upload Vulnerability in the Arasism CMS. Report-Timeline: ================ 2012-07-12: Public or Non-Public Disclosure Status: ======== Published Exploitation-Technique: ======================= Remote Severity: ========= High Details: ======== A File Upload vulnerability is detected in the famous iranisch Arasism.com Content Management (Panel) System. The vulnerability allows an attacker (remote) with low privileged user account to bypass the picture upload validation when processing by including own .asp/.php files. Successful exploitation of the vulnerability result in malicious file uploads (malware or webshells) to compromise the application dbms & application system. Vulnerable Path: [+] ../sysop/ Vulnerable File(s): [+] RTE_popup_file_atch.asp Proof of Concept: ================= The remote file upload vulnerability can be exploited by remote attacker without user inter action. For demonstration or reproduce ... Dork(s): Powered by Arasism.com Designed & Powered By Hadi Farzad Powered By : www.Arasism.Com" ØÑÇÍí æ ÇÌÑÇ : åÇÏí ÝÑÒÇÏ | ?íÔ?ÇãÇä æÈ ÝÑÏÇ PoC: Path: ../sysop/ File: RTE_popup_file_atch.asp NOTE: To upload an asp web shell inject a filename with for example ... shell.asp;1.jpg Risk: ===== The security risk of the remote file upload vulnerability is estimated as high. Credits: ======== Nafsh - Ehram Shahmohamadi - (research@xxxxxxxxxx) [www.sec-lab.ir] - TEAM K0242 Disclaimer: =========== The information provided in this advisory is provided as it is without any warranty. Vulnerability-Lab disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and capability for a particular purpose. Vulnerability- Lab or its suppliers are not liable in any case of damage, including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential loss of business profits or special damages, even if Vulnerability-Lab or its suppliers have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages so the foregoing limitation may not apply. We do not approve or encourage anybody to break any vendor licenses, policies, deface websites, hack into databases or trade with fraud/stolen material. Domains: www.vulnerability-lab.com - www.vuln-lab.com - www.vulnerability-lab.com/register Contact: admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - research@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Section: video.vulnerability-lab.com - forum.vulnerability-lab.com - news.vulnerability-lab.com Social: twitter.com/#!/vuln_lab - facebook.com/VulnerabilityLab - youtube.com/user/vulnerability0lab Feeds: vulnerability-lab.com/rss/rss.php - vulnerability-lab.com/rss/rss_upcoming.php - vulnerability-lab.com/rss/rss_news.php Any modified copy or reproduction, including partially usages, of this file requires authorization from Vulnerability Laboratory. Permission to electronically redistribute this alert in its unmodified form is granted. All other rights, including the use of other media, are reserved by Vulnerability-Lab Research Team or its suppliers. All pictures, texts, advisories, sourcecode, videos and other information on this website is trademark of vulnerability-lab team & the specific authors or managers. To record, list (feed), modify, use or edit our material contact (admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) to get a permission. Copyright © 2012 | Vulnerability Laboratory -- VULNERABILITY RESEARCH LABORATORY LABORATORY RESEARCH TEAM CONTACT: research@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx