Dear All, Here we are with the 29th issue of ClubHack Magazine. This issue covers following articles:- 0x00 Tech Gyan - Playing Bad Games: Anatomy of a Game-Server DDoS Attack 0x01 Tool Gyan - Scapy Primer 0x02 Mom's Guide - Hypertext Transfer Protocol 0x03 Special Feature - Impact of Cybercrime on Businesses 0x04 Legal Gyan - SECTION 66D - Punishment for cheating by personation by using computer resource 0x05 Code Gyan - Preventing Cross Site Scripting? Is it a myth! 0x06 Matriux Vibhag - MITM with Ettercap 0x07 Poster - "An attacker won't ring a bell before attacking" Check for articles. PDF version can be download from:- Send us your feedback, articles at info@xxxxxxxx Regards, Team CHMag