Hi folks, I'm very pleased to announce that version 1.4.0 of the OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) has now been released. This release adds the following main features: * Syntax highlighting * fuzzdb integration * Parameter analysis * Enhanced XSS scanner * A port of some of the Watcher checks * Plugable extensions And a load of bugfixes! For more information and to download this release please visit the ZAP homepage: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/ZAP I will also be talking about ZAP at the OWASP AppSec Asia Pacific conference on Saturday 14th April: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/AppSecAsiaPac2012#Track_Session_Speakers - please come over and say hi! Many thanks to everyone who has contributed code, language files, enhancement requests, bug reports and general feedback. Simon Bennetts -- OWASP ZAP: Toolsmith Tool of the Year 2011