[ Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement. Please pass it on to your colleagues and students who might be interested in participating. ] Entretiens Jacques Cartier (EJC) Colloquium on IT Security, Cyber Forensics and Combating Cybercrime 2011 and e-Crimes Summit ----------------------------------------------------------- October 3-5, 2011 Concordia University Montreal, Quebec, Canada Call for Participation ---------------------- This is to invite you to register to two important international conferences that we are organizing at Concordia: - The Entretiens Jacques Cartier (EJC) Colloquium on IT Security, Cyber Forensics and Combating Cybercrime, which will be held on October 3rd and 4th, 2011 - The E-Crimes Summit, which will be held on October 5th, 2011 The detailed program is available at: http://www.ciise.concordia.ca/newsandevents/2011/EJC2011SecForensics/en/index.htm Registration is available at: http://www.ciise.concordia.ca/newsandevents/2011/EJC2011SecForensics/en/registration.html Both events are meant to bring together the best experts from academia, law enforcement, industry and representatives of international organizations to discuss processes, methodologies and techniques that can be used in the field of information security and cyber forensics. We have a very rich program that consists of: - 22 speakers and, - 5 panelists Among the speakers: Dr. Zeno Geradts, Forensic Scientist, Netherlands Forensic Institute, Netherlands Dr. Frank Crispino, Colonel, Chef de Gendarmerie, France Me Raphaël Peuchot, Lawyer, FOURMANN & PEUCHOT - Barreau de Lyon, France Dr. Aurélien Francillon, Professor, EURECOM, Sophia-Antipolis, France Dr. Mohamed Ali Kaafar, Research Scientist, INRIA Rhone-Alpes, France Dr. Panagiotis Papadimitratos, Professor, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Dr. Engin Kirda, Professor, Northeastern University, USA Dr. Golden G. Richard, III, Professor, University of New Orleans, USA Me. Jean-C. Hébert, Avocat et Professeur, UQAM Mr. Michael Haring, Staff Sergeant, Royal Canadian Mounted Police Ms. Lynne M. Perrault, Directrice, CRTC Dr. David Billard, Expert aux cours en France et Suisse, LERTI & Univ. of Geneva Mr. Martin Salois, Scientifique de la Défense Nationale, DRDC Mr. Frédérick Gaudreau, Capitaine, Sûreté du Québec Dr. Andrew Vallerand, Director, Science & Technology Public Security, DRDC Mr. Jeremy Ashton, Senior Security Consultant, Bell Canada Mr. Fabrice Jaubert, Software Developer, Google Mr. John Weigelt, National Technology Officer, Microsoft Dr. Bernard Dupont, Professor and CRC Chair, University of Montreal Mr. Tim Treat, Manager, Mandiant Me. Michael Power, Barrister and Solicitor, Canada Mr. Andre Leduc, Senior Policy Analyst, Industry Canada Ms. Sarah Smyth, Assistant Professor, School of Criminology, Simon Fraser University EJC2011SecForensics'11