Folks, We have created the "IPv6 Hackers" mailing-list for discussion of IPv6 security issues. The charter of the list is: ---- cut here ---- This list was created for the discussion of IPv6 security issues and low/packet-level issues related to the IPv6 protocols. It is meant to provide forum for IPv6 security researchers and IPv6 networking professionals to discuss low-level IPv6 networking and security issues that could eventually lead to advances and improvements in the area of IPv6 security and IPv6 networking. Discussion of unrelated networking or security topics are considered "off topic". Subscription to the list is open to the community. ---- cut here ---- You can subscribe to the mailing-list here: We have also created a mailing-list for spanish-speaking IPv6 hackers (ipv6hackers-es). You can subscribe to this list here: General information about our mailing-lists is available at: Thanks! Best regards, -- Fernando Gont SI6 Networks e-mail: fgont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx web: