[*] ekoparty Security Conference and Trainings - 7th edition [*] www.ekoparty.org Trainings: September 19 & 20 / Conference: September 21, 22 & 23 2011 Buenos Aires, Argentina [*] CALL FOR PAPERS is now Open! We are really proud to announce the seventh edition of the ekoparty security conference, an unique event where security specialist from all over the globe (and beyond) have the chance to get involved with the most important researches of the year in a relaxed environment which has not been seen before. The seventh edition of ekoparty is expected to bring together over 850 security specialists in the most deep-knowledge technical conference of Latin America. To spice up this year's edition we will be hosting a three day event dropping Workshops into the mix together with our well known activities such as a Lockpicking village, Wardriving, Capture The Flag and of course our awesome parties. ekoparty is recruiting everyone who is interested in showing their researches and/or developments in the field of Information Security. [*] LECTURE TOPICS: Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: - Asado Warfare - 0 days - Web Security - Embedded Systems Technologies - GSM, GPRS and CDMA Security - RFID Security - VoIP Security - Lockpicking - Wireless Security - Exploitation - IPv6 Security - Attack and Defense Techniques - Reverse Engineering - Application Security, Testing, Fuzzing - Code Auditing - Virtualization Security - Malicious Code - Databases Security - Viruses, Worms, and Trojans - e-crime, Phishing and Botnets - Malware, Crimeware - Banking Security - Phreaking - Hardware hacking - Cryptography - Forensics & AntiForensics /* All the lectures are going to be simultaneously translated breaking any language barrier. */ [*] SUBMISSION TYPES - Full length talks (50 minutes) - Turbo talks (20 minutes) - Hands-on Workshops - Trainings [*] CALL FOR PAPERS APPLICATION: Please register and login to the ekoparty CFP System and complete all the required information: http://cfp.ekoparty.org [*] SLOGAN CONTEST As usual we will be running our slogan contest, submit yours to slogan/<at>\ekoparty.org and win a couple of VIP tickets and a fist full of swag! [*] IMPORTANT DATES: - May 27 - CFP is lunched - July 1 - Slogan contest results - July 18 - First round of selection - August 8 - CFP is closed - September 19 & 20 - ekoparty Trainings - September 21,22 & 23 - ekoparty Conference [*] SPEAKER PRIVILEGES: Speaker Privileges: - Round-trip airfare ticket - Accommodation - ekoparty's BBQ - Extra ticket to the conference Trainer Privileges: - 50 % net profit of the Training - 3 days accomodation - ekoparty's BBQ - Ticket to the conference [*] SPONSOR INFORMATION If you are interested in supporting our conference contact us at sponsor/<at>\ekoparty.org [*] GET IN TOUCH Website http://www.ekoparty.org Blog http://blog.ekoparty.org Mailing-list http://groups.google.com/group/ekoparty Twitter https://twitter.com/ekoparty Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/ekoparty-security-conference/16162244291 LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/42839/3C56B47CC210 CFP Link: http://www.ekoparty.org/cfp.php Best regards, ekoparty security conference staff