*********************************************************************** CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS *********************************************************************** LACSEC 2011 6th Network Security Event for Latin America and the Caribbean May 17-20, 2011, Cancun, Mexico http://lacnic.net/en/eventos/lacnicxv/index.html LACNIC (http://www.lacnic.net) is the international organization based in (Uruguay) that is responsible for administrating IP address space, Reverse Resolution, Autonomous System Numbers and other resources for the region of Latin America and the Caribbean on behalf of the Internet community. The “6th Network Security Event for Latin America and the Caribbean” will be held in Cancun, Mexico, within the framework of LACNIC's fifteenth annual meeting (LACNIC XV). This is a public call for presentations for that event. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: * Honeypots, network monitoring and situational awareness tools in general. * Fighting spam, particularly spam from origin (SPF, DKIM and related technologies. Email reputation) * Fighting phishing and pharming * Fighting malware * Internet protocol security * IPv6 security * DNSsec * Security of network infrastructure services (DNS, NTP, etc.) * Web security * DoS/DDoS response and mitigation, botnets * Authentication and access control * Security in the cloud * Protection of critical infrastructure * Security in mobile systems * Computer security incident response teams (CSIRTs): creation, management, experiences * Security in corporate environments, compliance and auditing, return on security investments * Security management (procedures, operational logs, records, etc.) * Risk management in Information Security * Computer forensics * Protection of privacy * Legal aspects relating to computer security Guidelines for Presenting Proposals Proposals for the “6th Network Security Event for Latin America and the Caribbean” (LACSEC 2011) must be presented taking into account the following considerations: * The presentation may or may not have one or more accompanying articles, but the Evaluation Committee may give priority to those that do. * Proposals may be presented in English, Portuguese or Spanish. * Proposals must be submitted in Portable Document Format (PDF) * Submissions must be created directly using a word processing system (scanned articles will not be accepted) * Presentations may not be longer than 30 minutes. Submitting a Proposal Those interested in presenting at LACSEC 2011 must send the following information to <comite_seguridad@xxxxxxxxxx> within the deadlines set forth below: * Full title of the presentation * Extended abstract and a draft of the slides or the full article if available. The extended abstract should not be longer than one thousand (1000) words. The Evaluation Committee may, at its sole discretion, request additional or complementary information. * Full name, email address and organization with which the author (or authors) of the submission is affiliated For more information, please don't hesitate to contact the Evaluation Committee at comite_seguridad@xxxxxxxxxxx Proposal Evaluation The Evaluation Committee that has been created for this purpose will evaluate proposals based on the following basic criteria: * Originality * Technical quality * Relevance * Presentation * Applicability IMPORTANT DATES * Deadline for proposal reception: March 4th, 2011 * Notification of acceptance: March 14th, 2011 * Deadline for submitting the final version the presentation: May 9th, 2011 “6th Network Security Event for Latin America and the Caribbean” (LACSEC 2011) Chair Fernando Gont (UTN/FRH, Argentina) Evaluation Committee Eduardo Carozo (Amparo Project, Uruguay) Lorena Ferreyro (Independent consultant, Argentina) Javier Liendo (Cisco, Mexico) Fernando Maresca (ONTI, Argentina) Carlos Martinez Cagnazzo (LACNIC, Uruguay) Domingo Montanaro (iSight Partners, Brazil) Jose Miguel Parrella Romero (Debian developer, Ecuador) Patricia Prandini (ADACSI, Argentina) Juliano Rizzo (Netifera, Argentina) Javier Romero (JaCkSecurity, Peru) Arturo Servin (LACNIC, Uruguay) Liliana V. Solha (CAIS/RNP, Brazil) Lisandro Teszkiewicz (Independent consultant, Argentina) Leonardo Vidal (ISOC Uruguay Chapter, Uruguay)