'Pulse CMS Basic' Local File Inclusion Vulnerability (CVE-2010-4330) Mark Stanislav - mark.stanislav@xxxxxxxxx I. DESCRIPTION --------------------------------------- A vulnerability exists in the 'includes/controller.php' script that allows for arbitrary local file inclusion due to a null-byte attack. II. TESTED VERSION --------------------------------------- Version 1.2.8 III. AFFECTED VERSIONS --------------------------------------- < 1.2.9 IV. PoC EXPLOIT --------------------------------------- http://www.example.com/index.php?p=/../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00 V. NOTES --------------------------------------- * magic_quotes_gpc must be disabled for null-byte attacks to work * This issue did not affect Pulse CMS Pro according to the vendor VI. SOLUTION --------------------------------------- Upgrade all previously installed versions to 1.2.9 VII. REFERENCES --------------------------------------- http://pulsecms.com/ http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-4330 http://www.uncompiled.com/2010/12/pulse-cms-basic-local-file-inclusion-vulnerability-cve-2010-4330/ VIII. TIMELINE --------------------------------------- 11/24/2010: Initial vendor disclosure 11/25/2010: Vendor response that they had fixed the issue & updated the existing version (1.2.8) 11/25/2010: Replied to vendor inquiring if a new point release would be made and affected versions 11/26/2010: Vendor response noting a version increment was coming & vulnerable versions confirmation 11/26/2010: Pulse CMS Basic 1.2.9 released 12/05/2010: Public disclosure