This public disclosure has achieved its aim. Joomla! Team finally patched this hole. Upgrade to the latest Joomla! version (1.5.22 or later). >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. VULNERABILITY DESCRIPTION Potential SQL Injection Flaws were detected Joomla! CMS version 1.5.20. These flaws were reported along with our Cross Scripting Flaw which was fixed in 1.5.21. Developers believed that our reported SQL Injection flaws are not fully exploitable because of Joomla! built-in string filters and were not fixed in 1.5.21 which is currently the latest version. As a result, we disclosed these flaws in order for someone who can exploit these flaws to the next maximum level. 2. PROOF-OF-CONCEPT/EXPLOIT 3. DISCLOSURE TIME-LINE 2010-10-06 : Notified Joomla! Security Strike Team 2010-11-01 : Vulnerability disclosed 2010-11-05 : Patched version (1.5.22) released 4. VENDOR Joomla! Developer Team