Hi, USBsploit is a PoC to generate Reverse TCP backdoors (x86, x64, all ports) and malicious LNK files. It can also help to run Autorun or LNK USB remote infections, also dumping all USB files remotely on multiple targets (and multiple USB drives) at the same time, a set of specific extensions to dump can be used. USBsploit works through Meterpreter sessions with a light (27MB) modified version of Metasploit (3.4.2-dev). The interface is a modified version of SET (0.6.1). The USBsploit v0.3b home page : http://secuobs.com/news/12102010-usbsploit_v0.3b_meterpreter_msf_3.shtml The SVN https://svn.secuobs.com/svn The .run https://www.secuobs.com/usbsploit/usbsploit-0.3-BETA-linux-i686.run The .tar.gz https://www.secuobs.com/usbsploit/usbsploit-0.3-BETA-linux-i686.tar.gz Some videos: - USB LNK infection and all USB files dumping http://secuobs.com/news/12102010-usbsploit_v0.3b_meterpreter_msf_1.shtml - USB Autorun infection with Reverse_TCP backdoor and all USB files http://secuobs.com/news/14072010-usbsploit_v0.2b_meterpreter_msf_3.shtml - Reverse TCP backdoor and USB files dumping using a specific set of extensions http://secuobs.com/news/14072010-usbsploit_v0.1b_meterpreter_msf_2.shtml - Reverse TCP backdoor and all USB files dumping http://secuobs.com/news/14072010-usbsploit_v0.1b_meterpreter_msf_1.shtml The Meterpreter script usbsploit.rb ( https://svn.secuobs.com/svn/lib/msf/scripts/meterpreter/usbsploit.rb ) can otherwise be used with the original Metasploit Framework, more videos about that on this channel ( http://www.youtube.com/secuobs ) ++ XPO