(CORE-2010-0701) Adobe Acrobat Reader Acrord32.dll Use After Free Vulnerability

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      Core Security Technologies - CoreLabs Advisory

Adobe Acrobat Reader Acrord32.dll Use After Free Vulnerability

1. *Advisory Information*

Title: Adobe Acrobat Reader Acrord32.dll Use After Free Vulnerability
Advisory Id: CORE-2010-0701
Advisory URL:
Date published: 2010-10-05
Date of last update: 2010-10-05
Vendors contacted: Adobe
Release mode: Coordinated release

2. *Vulnerability Information*

Class: Use after free [CWE-416]
Impact: Code execution
Remotely Exploitable: Yes (client-side)
Locally Exploitable: No
CVE Name: CVE-2010-3627
Bugtraq ID: N/A

3. *Vulnerability Description*

Adobe Acrobat Reader is prone to a use-after-free vulnerability due to
an invalid usage of a released memory chunk. This vulnerability could be
used by a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code, by enticing the
user of Adobe Acrobat Reader to open a specially crafted file and click
on PAGES thumbnails.

4. *Vulnerable packages*

   . Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.x

5. *Non-vulnerable packages*

   . Adobe Acrobat Reader 8.x

6. *Solutions and Workarounds*

For further information about this issue look at the Adobe Security
Bulletin and security blogs:

   . Adobe Security Bulletins and Advisories:
   . PSIRT blog: [http://blogs.adobe.com/psirt].

7. *Credits*

This vulnerability was discovered and researched by Ricardo Narvaja,
from Core Security Technologies. This publication was coordinated by
Fernando Russ.

8. *Technical Description*

Adobe Acrobat Reader is prone to a use-after-free vulnerability due to
an invalid usage of a released memory chunk. A specially crafted '.pdf'
file containing special flash code triggers an 'ACCESS_VIOLATION'
reading at address 0x00000030.

A more careful analysis of that code indicates that ESI points to a
released chunk of memory. Exploitation is feasible forcing the
allocation process of Adobe Acrobat Reader to reuse the chunk pointed by
ESI with specially controlled data.

00EE10F8    MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+1C]  <-- ESI points to a
previously released memory chunk.
00EE1101    PUSH EAX
00EE1102    CALL DWORD PTR DS:[ECX+30]     <-- The execution flow
depends on the content of ECX. (ECX dependes on ESI)

- -----/
 The content of the CPU register while an 'ACCESS_VIOLATION' reading was
triggered at 0x00EE1102,


EAX 00000000
ECX 00000000
EDX 014D0A40
EBX 00000000
ESP 0013F1BC
EBP 0013F24C
ESI 02D5782C
EDI 10A7C3D0
EIP 00EE1102

- -----/
 This vulnerability could result in arbitrary code execution, although
it was not verified.

9. *Report Timeline*

. 2010-07-05:
Core Security Technologies notifies the Adobe team of the vulnerability
and announces its initial plan to publish the advisory on July 26th,
2010. A Proof of Concept (PoC) was sent to Adobe team.

. 2010-07-06:
Adobe team acknowledges Core Security Technologies' e-mail. Vendor also
notifies that their world-wide offices will be shut down from July 5th
to July 11th, and it may take a bit longer than usual to investigate
this issue.

. 2010-07-22:
Core asks for a status update about this issue.

. 2010-07-22:
Adobe team notifies that they have reproduced the issue and expect the
fix to be available in the next quarterly security update for Acrobat
and Adobe Reader. These fixes are currently scheduled for an October
patch Tuesday release.

. 2010-07-26:
Core notifies that the publication date for this advisory was
re-scheduled to October 12th, 2010.

. 2010-07-27:
Core notifies that the publication date of October 12th, 2010 should be
considered as final. If Adobe team does not release a patch on that day,
Core will be forced to release this advisory in user-release mode.

. 2010-09-28:
Core notifies that the publication date of October 12th, 2010 is still
valid and asks for a status update.

. 2010-09-29:
Adobe acknowledges the communication by informing that the publication
date was re-scheduled to October 5th, 2010.

. 2010-10-04:
Core asks if the Adobe team has an assigned CVE identifier for this
vulnerability and which are the affected versions of Adobe Reader.

. 2010-10-04:
Adobe notifies that:

   . This issue affects Reader 9.x, but not Reader 8.x.
   . The assigned identifier for this vulnerability is CVE-2010-3627.

. 2010-10-05:
Core publishes advisory CORE-2010-0701.

10. *About CoreLabs*

CoreLabs, the research center of Core Security Technologies, is charged
with anticipating the future needs and requirements for information
security technologies. We conduct our research in several important
areas of computer security including system vulnerabilities, cyber
attack planning and simulation, source code auditing, and cryptography.
Our results include problem formalization, identification of
vulnerabilities, novel solutions and prototypes for new technologies.
CoreLabs regularly publishes security advisories, technical papers,
project information and shared software tools for public use at:

11. *About Core Security Technologies*

Core Security Technologies develops strategic solutions that help
security-conscious organizations worldwide develop and maintain a
proactive process for securing their networks. The company's flagship
product, CORE IMPACT, is the most comprehensive product for performing
enterprise security assurance testing. CORE IMPACT evaluates network,
endpoint and end-user vulnerabilities and identifies what resources are
exposed. It enables organizations to determine if current security
investments are detecting and preventing attacks. Core Security
Technologies augments its leading technology solution with world-class
security consulting services, including penetration testing and software
security auditing. Based in Boston, MA and Buenos Aires, Argentina, Core
Security Technologies can be reached at 617-399-6980 or on the Web at

12. *Disclaimer*

The contents of this advisory are copyright (c) 2010 Core Security
Technologies and (c) 2010 CoreLabs, and are licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike 3.0 (United States)
License: [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/us/]

13. *PGP/GPG Keys*

This advisory has been signed with the GPG key of Core Security
Technologies advisories team, which is available for download at

Version: GnuPG v2.0.12 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


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