ZDI-10-180: IBM TSM FastBack Server _SendToLog Remote Code Execution Vulnerability http://www.zerodayinitiative.com/advisories/ZDI-10-180 September 29, 2010 -- CVSS: 10, (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C) -- Affected Vendors: IBM -- Affected Products: IBM Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack -- TippingPoint(TM) IPS Customer Protection: TippingPoint IPS customers have been protected against this vulnerability by Digital Vaccine protection filter ID 9706. For further product information on the TippingPoint IPS, visit: http://www.tippingpoint.com -- Vulnerability Details: This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on vulnerable installations of IBM Tivoli FastBack Server. Authentication is not required to exploit this vulnerability. The specific flaw exists within FastBackServer.exe which listens by default on tcp port 11406. The issue is due to an unsafe copy to a buffer located on the stack. This buffer is used to build a formatted event log message for the AGI_SendToLog method. Successful exploitation leads to remote code execution under the context of the fastback server. -- Vendor Response: IBM states: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21443820 Issue 2 -- Disclosure Timeline: 2010-01-22 - Vulnerability reported to vendor 2010-09-29 - Coordinated public release of advisory -- Credit: This vulnerability was discovered by: * Sebastian Apelt (www.siberas.de) -- About the Zero Day Initiative (ZDI): Established by TippingPoint, The Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) represents a best-of-breed model for rewarding security researchers for responsibly disclosing discovered vulnerabilities. Researchers interested in getting paid for their security research through the ZDI can find more information and sign-up at: http://www.zerodayinitiative.com The ZDI is unique in how the acquired vulnerability information is used. TippingPoint does not re-sell the vulnerability details or any exploit code. Instead, upon notifying the affected product vendor, TippingPoint provides its customers with zero day protection through its intrusion prevention technology. Explicit details regarding the specifics of the vulnerability are not exposed to any parties until an official vendor patch is publicly available. Furthermore, with the altruistic aim of helping to secure a broader user base, TippingPoint provides this vulnerability information confidentially to security vendors (including competitors) who have a vulnerability protection or mitigation product. Our vulnerability disclosure policy is available online at: http://www.zerodayinitiative.com/advisories/disclosure_policy/ Follow the ZDI on Twitter: http://twitter.com/thezdi