16.05.2010 - found vulnerability.
17.05.2010 - disclosed at my site.
18.05.2010 - informed developers: Mozilla, Microsoft, Google and Opera.
Found on the 16th
Blogged on the 17th
Told vendors on the 18th
Posted here on the 18th
Granted I can denial of service a browser just by loading up a horrible
add in or just using a browser, but as a customer of each of these
vendors, can I respectfully ask that you give vendors time to respond
before posting? These vendors do not ignore security issues and do
respond (unlike some of the web sites with the captcha issues) So why
haven't you given them that opportunity?
MustLive wrote:
Hello Bugtraq!
I want to warn you about security vulnerability in different browsers.
Advisory: DoS vulnerabilities in Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome,
and other browsers
URL: http://websecurity.com.ua/4206/
Affected products: Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer 6, Internet
8, Google Chrome, Opera and other browsers.
16.05.2010 - found vulnerability.
17.05.2010 - disclosed at my site.
18.05.2010 - informed developers: Mozilla, Microsoft, Google and Opera.
At 30.02.2010 Mozilla fixed vulnerability (small one, which poses no
security risk, as they said), found by Henry Sudhof - Mozilla Foundation
Security Advisory 2010-23
(Image src
redirect to mailto: URL opens email editor). Which allow to open email
client at user's computer via redirector, which redirecting to mailto:
But this vulnerability was fixed only in Firefox 3.5.9, Firefox 3.6.2 and
SeaMonkey 2.0.4, but not in Firefox 3.0.x.
After I recently read this advisory, I decided to check different
And as I checked at 16.05.2010, to this vulnerability are vulnerable web
browsers Firefox 3.0.19 and Opera 9.52. And I created exploit for
of DoS attack on Firefox.
Also I found possibility to open email client via iframe with mailto:
Which works in browsers Firefox 3.0.19, IE6, IE8 and Chrome. And I
exploit for conducting of attack on all browsers, which I called DoS via
email. This attack can be conducted as with using JS, as without it (via
creating of page with large quantity of iframes).
If attack via images at a page (which open email client) is only
then attack via images or iframes with using my exploits is Denial of
Service vulnerability. It belongs to type
blocking DoS and resources consumption DoS. These exploits are very
dangerous - at their starting, if to not stop attack in time, they can
to full consumption of computer's resources (potentially even to
freezing of
the system).
This exploit works in Mozilla Firefox (Firefox <= 3.0.19, Firefox <
Firefox < 3.6.2) and SeaMonkey < 2.0.4.
This exploit works in Mozilla Firefox (besides 3.0.x and previous
it must work in 3.5.x and 3.6.x), Internet Explorer 6 (6.0.2900.2180),
Internet Explorer 8 (8.0.7600.16385), Google Chrome and Opera
9.52. At that in Opera the exploit don't open email client, so DoS
attack is
going without blocking, only resources consumption (more slowly then in
other browsers). And also this exploit must work in SeaMonkey, Internet
Explorer 7 and other browsers.
Best wishes & regards,
Administrator of Websecurity web site