Hello Bugtraq! I want to warn you about security vulnerabilities in e-commerce system Sebo - webstore. In this advisory I'm continue to inform readers of mailing lists about vulnerable web applications which are using CaptchaSecurityImages.php. If you read Bugtraq you can saw the letter, from which it's clearly seen, that web developers ignore advisory about holes in CaptchaSecurityImages.php itself, and only draw attention on advisories about their specific web applications. And I answered on this letter (http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/511023). So, as I already wrote to the list, it's only way to draw attention of web developers to these issues. ----------------------------- Advisory: Vulnerabilities in Sebo - webstore ----------------------------- URL: http://websecurity.com.ua/4108/ ----------------------------- Affected product: Sebo - webstore 0.14 and previous versions. ----------------------------- Timeline: 17.03.2010 - found vulnerabilities. 08.04.2010 - disclosed at my site. 09.04.2010 - informed developers. ----------------------------- Details: These are Insufficient Anti-automation and Denial of Service vulnerabilities. The vulnerabilities exist in captcha script CaptchaSecurityImages.php, which is using in this system. I already reported about vulnerabilities in CaptchaSecurityImages (http://websecurity.com.ua/4043/). Insufficient Anti-automation: http://site/libs/captcha/CaptchaSecurityImages.php?width=150&height=100&characters=2 Captcha bypass is possible as via half-automated or automated (with using of OCR) methods, which were mentioned before (http://websecurity.com.ua/4043/), as with using of session reusing with constant captcha bypass method (http://websecurity.com.ua/1551/), which was described in project Month of Bugs in Captchas. Last variant of attack is possible due to incorrect implementation of protection in the system against this captcha bypass method. DoS: http://site/libs/captcha/CaptchaSecurityImages.php?width=1000&height=9000 With setting of large values of width and height it's possible to create large load at the server. Best wishes & regards, MustLive Administrator of Websecurity web site http://websecurity.com.ua