BugCON is a purely technical convention where all security researchers can show their research, projects and ideas in Mexico City. The main topics for BugCON Bicentennial are: * Software security * Secure coding * Audit * Honeynets * Perimeter Security * Web security * Malware Development * Computer Forensic * Fuzzing * AI applications related with security * Database hacking * Privacy issues * Mobile technologies * Hardware/firmware and embedded systems hacking * Cracking and protections on software * Academic security research * Firewalls, IDS and other network hardware/software (implementation, configuration and evasion) * Open Source projects * Videogame consoles, T.V. systems, and other friki stuff * Cryptography and steganography * Phreaking * Informatic legislation * Reverse Engineering BugCON accepts your participation in the form of conference and workshop, with a duration of 1 to 2 hours for the conference and in the case of workshops you can tell us how many time would you like need(if you need more time BugCON can offer work tables for continuing your talk); the conference language can be spanish (prefereably) or english. Remeber that BugCON is totally uncensored, so the public can start a discussion about your conference, and it's totally acceptable. BugCON has two lines, ?white hat? topic and ?black hat? topic the technical reviewers going to collocate your conferences in the most adecuate clasification. BugCON reserves the right to accept or reject any paper. All proposals should be sent to secretary@xxxxxxxxxx with a little description about the conference and a little curriculum about the author, from February 17th to August 31th (no extensions). The final schedule will be published on September 18th. Once your conference is accepted you should send a confirmation, a telephone number for contacting you and details about your arrival. Regards Armin Garcia BugCon President Forensics Malware Analyst at CipherStorm