Family Connections <= 2.1.3 Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities Name Family Connections Vendor Versions Affected <= 2.1.3 Author Salvatore Fresta aka Drosophila Website Contact salvatorefresta [at] gmail [dot] com Date 2009-12-16 X. INDEX I. ABOUT THE APPLICATION II. DESCRIPTION III. ANALYSIS IV. SAMPLE CODE V. FIX VI. DISCLOSURE TIMELINE I. ABOUT THE APPLICATION Based on one of the world's leading structure and content management systems - WebSiteAdmin, WSCreator (WS standing for WebSite) is powerful application for handling multiple websites. This is a commercial application. Keep your family "Connected" with this content management system (CMS) designed specifically with family's in mind. Key features are: a message board, a photo gallery, a blog-like "Family News" section, a calendar, an address book and recipe sharing section. Each family member has their own personal settings, like the ability to change the website's theme. Now with Portuguese, Czech, English, Estonian, German, and Spanish language Support.... II. DESCRIPTION Many fields are not properly sanitised and some checks can be bypassed. III. ANALYSIS Summary: A) Multiple Blind SQL Injection B) Multiple Arbitrary File Upload C) Local File Inclusion A) Blind SQL Injection All field that I tested are vulnerable to Blind SQL Injection. I can't report all vulnerable files because they are many. The most injections don't require that Magic Quotes GPC (php.ini) is setted to Off. However an attacker may try to exploit this vulnerability using the full path disclosure released by the MySQL error to write a file into the remote file system, using as destination path the gallery directories, where the permissions must be setted to 777. B) Multiple Arbitrary File Upload When we want to write a module to upload a file, we must check the file extension without using the Content-Type HTTP field, because this last one can be changed. This CMS uses the Content-Type to validate the extension. C) Local File Inclusion In settings.php an user can set the favorite theme to use. This theme is included using the include_once PHP function. The original path is themes/ but using the directory traversal sequence, an user can include arbitrary files. There is a limit of characters to use, infact the theme field into the database has a length limit equal to 25. IV. SAMPLE CODE A) Multiple Blind SQL Injection http://site/path/profile.php?member=1 AND IF(ASCII((SELECT CHAR(90))) = 90, BENCHMARK(10000000, MD5(0x90)), NULL) http://site/path/messageboard.php?thread=1 AND 1=1 http://site/path/messageboard.php?thread=1 AND 1=0 B) Multiple Arbitrary File Upload A PoC that upload a PHP shell can be downloaded here: C) Local File Inclusion Edit the POST packet and send the modified theme value like the following: ../ReadMe.txt\0 V. FIX No Fix. VIII. DISCLOSURE TIMELINE 2009-12-16 Bug discovered 2009-12-16 Initial vendor contact 2009-12-16 Advisory Release