== DeepSec In-Depth Security Conference 2009 "TripleSec" == This is a reminder for the third DeepSec conference, taking place between 17th and 20th November at the Imperial Riding School Renaissance Hotel. == Schedule == The schedule of all presentations can be found on our web site: https://deepsec.net/schedule/ Random speaker and content from the schedule: Karsten Nohl from H4RDW4RE will present the latest development on his project to break A5/1 with the help of pre-computed tables as announced at HAR 2009. Karsten Nohl says, that a public PoC on cracking GSM"s encryption is necessary to raise awareness about the risks of sending sensitive information over GSM networks. In March 2008 the finalisation of A5/1 rainbow tables was announced but never released in public, the first academic attacks date even back to 1997. Today it is believed that agencies and well-funded organizations have access to efficient A5/1 crackers. Publishing a practical attack in public will give a better awareness about the situation of an encryption scheme that was designed and developed in the 1980ies and still used today. More talks at the conference! - https://deepsec.net/register/ == Sponsors == We would like to thank our sponsors that have supported the conference: Microsoft, Sourcefire, Global Knowledge, The British Bookshop, Viennese Chamber of Commerce and CERT.at. == About DeepSec == DeepSec IDSC is an annual European two-day in-depth conference on computer, network, and application security. The DeepSec Conference will be held from November 17th to 20th 2009 in Vienna, and aims to bring together the world's leading security professionals from academics, government, industry, and the underground hacking community. In addition to the conference with presentations we will offer a selection of two-day intense security training courses before the main conference. DeepSec is a non-product, non-vendor-biased conference. Our aim is to present the best research and experience from the fields' leading experts. Best regards, DeepSec In-Depth Security Conference organisation team: Michael Kafka, DeepSec GmbH René Pfeiffer, DeepSec GmbH Initiated by Paul Böhm, DeepSec GmbH Contact: https://deepsec.net/contact/