Alex Roichman wrote:
Checkmarx Research Lab presents a new attack vector on Web applications. By
exploiting the Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) vulnerability an
attacker can make a Web application unavailable to its intended users. ReDoS
is commonly known as a “bug” in systems, but Alex Roichman and Adar Weidman
from Checkmarx show how serious it is and how using this technique, various
applications can be “ReDoSed”. These include, among others, Server-side of
Web applications and Client-side Browsers. The art of attacking the Web by
ReDoS is by finding inputs which cannot be matched by Regexes and on these
Regexes a Regex-based Web systems get stuck.
For further reading:
Alex, nice work. Thank you for sharing it with us.
I'd recommend taking a look at Ilja van Sprundel's work with regular
expression bugs in his Unusual bugs presentation.
... Where he played a bit with Google Code Search back in 2007, I think.
He helped Google out by giving them his research, of course.
I found two versions online:
Ilja and I later discussed creating a real regex fuzzer to discover
vulnerabilities, but I at least never had the time to play with it. He
might have, I am CC:ing him.
My best to Adar,
Gadi Evron,