A wise deadite captain once yelled "Cry Havoc and let loose the Dogs of War!". Quite frankly, we couldn't have said it better ourselves: ~~ ~~ || || @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\___ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ \ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ X___/ \/ KIWICON ]|[ 28TH & 29TH NOVEMBER 2009 With a current record of three arrests, seven conceptions and one committal Kiwicon is back for 2k9. The time has come to fake up an abstract and submit it to the Kiwicon Crue for judgement. In the coming months, we predict you will spend more time dreaming of kudos and UID 0 than actually working on your slides, since you'll be doing them the night before anyway. It's not New Zealand's only security conference, but it is the one where you're more likely to get a standing ovation for scanning an entire country than pointed questions regarding whether you were, perhaps, a little reckless in accessing systems without authorisation. _ _-(")- `%%%%% `KIWICON` // \\ The Crue holds a special place in their bowels for those who are aggravated that Kiwicon is held on a weekend so they don't get time off work. It is a gathering for those who are passionate about security. It has been hacked together by the .nz security scene for the .nz security community. Following in the tradition of previous cons, the atmosphere is extremely laid back; even the feds don't wear suits. Kiwicon is about sharing information. It's about intersections and cross-pollination and dissemination and other nouns disturbing reminiscent of a pre-AIDs key party. Sure, you could bring your RFID readers, your lockpicks or even your back track DVD but mostly you just need to bring yourself and the willingness to learn. For a little con down under we don't do too bad. Previously, Kiwicon has featured: the Crackstation, iKat (last seen at a airport near you), layer two telco shenanigans, a video montage of boardrooms across Japan, old school phreaking on new school kit, exposure of RIM's failure to hide their snooping capabilities, fun with the SCADA systems, making Microsoft look like turkeys, nuking various heap protections from space, and of course fucking up the certificate chain of your new passport. _ _-(")- `%%%%% // \\ `THE VENUE` The Crue is aware that location is everything, so once again we will be invading the Pipitea Campus which is surrounded by prestigious Wellington buildings such as Parliament house, the (partly renovated and badly secured) High Court, Ministry of Defence and various telecommunication hubs. All services are handy to the venue as well (train station, taxi rank, burger caravan, police cells / court etc). Caffeination will be provided by the lovely folks at Sweet Fanny-Anne's. _ _-(")- `%%%%% // \\ `THE PRICE` A recession-proof fifty bucks for the employed. Students and those otherwise supported by our precious taxpayer dollars (this does not include Members of Parliament) will pay $30. GST receipts will be available on request. The Crue will endeavour to leverage its synergies to architect a compelling ROI solution. _ _-(")- `%%%%% // \\ `THE TOPICS` Social networking/automated stalking, Cellular Networks (GSM,2degrees, openbts), State-sponsored surveillance, Malware (Viruses, Botnets), The Scam of EAL Certification, Industrial Espionage, Reverse Engineering, The Failwhale Rider, Virtualisation, Flash mobs, WebApps, 0hday The schedule will be made up as we go, so fifteen minutes or thirty minutes worth of material should be submitted as fifteen or thirty minutes worth of talk. We do place an upper limit of an hour (including questions), as anything longer than that can continue at the pub. _ _-(")- `%%%%% // \\ `SUBMISSIONS` These need to be in by the Witching Hour of the 31st October (NZST). Expats and wanna-be Kiwis will want to get their submissions in by 10th October, when we're going to be announcing the first round of Interesting Stuff. To submit a presentation to Kiwicon2k9, send an email to cfp@xxxxxxxxxxx with the following information: * Name or Handle: * Country of Residence: * Employer (if applicable): * Presentation Title: * Presentation Length: * Presentation Synopsis: * Brief Bio: If you do not provide a bio, one will be provided for you. _ _-(")- `%%%%% // \\ `BOTTOM LINE` The Crue want you to submit your talk to Kiwicon or the cute little header sheep gets it. _ -(")- `%%%%% // \\ `CONTACT` Email us: kiwicon@xxxxxxxxxxx Check the site: https://www.kiwicon.org/ Drop by silc: silc.kiwicon.org:2706/kiwicon Join the list: hackers-subscribe@xxxxxxxxxxx CFP online at https://kiwicon.org/cfp2k9.txt