RainbowCrack is a general propose implementation of Philippe Oechslin's faster time-memory trade-off technique. It cracks hashes with rainbow tables. Version 1.4 of the RainbowCrack software is now available for download. New features: - New compact rainbow table file format (.rtc) reduce rainbow table size by 50% to 56.25% - New rt2rtc utility convert rainbow table from raw file format (.rt) to compact file format (.rtc) - New rtc2rt utility convert rainbow table from compact file format (.rtc) to raw file format (.rt) - The rcrack/rcrack_cuda program support both .rt and .rtc rainbow table file format - Conversion from non-perfect to perfect rainbow table is supported by rt2rtc utility The hash cracking performance of RainbowCrack software now exceeds 100000 million plaintexts per second. Visit http://project-rainbowcrack.com/ for more information. Zhu July 22, 2009