Hi, Our new partner in the Netherlands, Lab106 (aka Outpost24), invited me out to present some our research at the Amsterdam Black Hats event. I focused the main presentation on Anti-Guerrilla Warfare tactics, why defense in depth doesn't work, and the new Möbius Defense along with graphics the NEW attack visualization technology we are now using. The presentation is now available here but unfortunately there is no video of me giving the talk which might be more enlightening. However, I did do a radio/podcast interview with the company Madison Ghurka who runs the event there so as soon as that's available you can hear me defend it. http://www.isecom.org/events/The_Mobius_Defense.pdf Sincerely, -pete. -- Pete Herzog - Managing Director - pete@xxxxxxxxxx ISECOM - Institute for Security and Open Methodologies www.isecom.org - www.osstmm.org www.hackerhighschool.org - www.isestorm.org