LayerOne 2009 May 23-24 Anaheim Marriott Anaheim, California Well folks, LayerOne 2009 is happening in just a few weeks time. We wanted to make one final announcement before we begin last minute preparations for this years show. The speaker line up is finalized. We have some familiar faces as well as some new blood. David Bryan - Hacking with GnuRadio Don Ankney - Is XSS Solveable? Jim O’Gorman - Policy - The Biscuit Game of Infosec Datagram - Lockpicking Forensics Kevin Nassery - Diplomatic Security Consulting Erik Berls - Deploying DNSSEC Joe McCray - Advanced SQL Injection Strom Carlson - Why your mother will never care about Linux Deviant Ollam - Packing and the Friendly Skies CP, Adam, Frank^2, Vyrus - TwatFS: Surly abuse of social networking bandwidth Ryan S. Upton, CISSP - Incident Response 101 Doug Cohen - Computation and Modeling We're particularly excited about the new tool being debuted by the DC949 folks, TwatFS. Like Twitter? Like the idea of distributed storage? Well, you'll like this then. Hate Twitter? Like the idea of it being used for something other than its intended purpose? Well, you'll like this too. Pre-registration will be closing May 15th. The pre-registration price is still 100 dollars. Tickets will be available at the door for 120.00 The Anaheim Marriott has also been nice enough to expand our block of 99.00/night rooms. Finally, we have some fun to announce. Deviant Ollam will be bringing Gringo Warrior back to LayerOne. For those unfamiliar with it Gringo Warrior is a scenario based lock picking context where you have to bust out of a mock jail cell, overpower a guard, and pick your way to freedom. Datagram will be setting up a lock picking village where you can practice your skills and learn new ones. Datagram has been hard at work finding new and more complex locks from all over the world. Do not expect an easy time getting into some of these locks. Also, since Monday is a holiday, the LayerOne after-party will be hosted at the local 23b hackerspace on Sunday evening. For those that can't go to Anaheim without going to Disneyland, you'll be happy to know that we are roughly 2 blocks away from it in addition to all the other things you can do in downtown Anaheim. Huge thanks to our sponsors: ISN, Shmoocon, ASG, and Microsoft. Even with the economy in the shape that it's in, it makes us happy to see that there are still people and companies that are able to support the community. -The LayerOne Team