nGenuity Information Services - Security Advisory Advisory ID: NGENUITY-2009-006 - Zabbix Multiple Frontend CSRF Application: Zabbix 1.6.2 Vendor: Zabbix Vendor website: Author: Adam Baldwin (adam_baldwin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) I. BACKGROUND "ZABBIX is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution." [1] II. DETAILS Multiple Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities exist that can allow for the following attack scenarios to be executed should an administrator with a valid session visit a malicious page or url. 1. Reset admin password 2. Execution of shell commands Reset Admin Password: Zabbix does not validate a users old password before the new password is set using a request similar to the below request. Some of the parameters are not required for the request to be valid. Example: &config=0&form=1&form_refresh=2&lang=en_gb&password1=aaaaaa&password2=aaaaaa&refresh=30 &save=Save&theme=default.css&url=&userid=1 Execution of Shell Commands: A two staged approach is required to execute arbitrary shell commands. First the custom command to be executed has to be created and then that command has to be executed. Below is an example of how these requests could be executed. Example: Setting the command &form_refresh=1&form_refresh=1&groupid=0&name=Ping&save=Save&scriptid=1&usrgrpid=0 Example: Executing the command III. REFERENCES [1] - IV. VENDOR COMMUNICATION 3.22.2009 - Vulnerability Discovery 3.23.2009 - Vendor response. Fixed in 1.6.3 (unconfirmed) Copyright (c) 2009 nGenuity Information Services, LLC