The Remote Exploit Development Team is happy to announce the release of BackTrack 4 Beta. We have taken huge conceptual leaps with BackTrack 4, and have some new and exciting features. The most significant of these changes is our expansion from the realm of a Pentesting LiveCD towards a full blown "Distribution". Now based on Debian core packages and utilizing the Ubuntu software repositories, BackTrack 4 can be upgraded in case of update. When syncing with our BackTrack repositories, you will regularly get security tool updates soon after they are released. Some of the new features include: * Kernel with better hardware support. * Native support for Pico e12 and e16 cards is now fully functional, making BackTrack the first pentesting distro to fully utilize these awesome tiny machines. * Support for PXE Boot - Boot BackTrack over the network with PXE supported cards! * SAINT EXPLOIT - kindly provided by SAINT corporation for our users with a limited number of free IPs. * MALTEGO - The guys over at Paterva did outstanding work with Maltego 2.0.2 - which is featured in BackTrack as a community edition. * The latest mac80211 wireless injection patches are applied, with several custom patches for rtl8187 injection speed enhancements. Wireless injection support has never been so broad and functional. * Unicornscan - Fully functional with postgres logging support and a web front end. * RFID support * Pyrit CUDA support... * New and updated tools - the list is endless! With all these changes, PLUS the usual goodies and surprises we have in BackTrack, we are truly excited about this new release. We consider the Beta to be stable and usable. Some tools were kept back from this version, and will be soon added to the repositories. Downloads can be found here : Keep safe, The Remote Exploit Team