Hi, with the blue serial cable ( console cable ), with advanced serial port monitor ( http://www.aggsoft.com/serial-port-monitor.htm ) you can retrive admin password of this router without reset or re-firmware.... Hack Aethra SV 1042 Adsl/Voip Router Mod: AETHRA STARVOICE SV 1042 Boot Version: Boot Date: 25/02/2004 12:12 ATOS Version: 2.0.25 (0@unknow) ATOS Date: 26/10/2004 11:04 StarVoice version: 1.4.18 StarVoice model: SV1042 Les version: 1.4.12 Exploit: Local Vendor contacted 6 month ago, aethra have made a patch and informed all clients. youtube http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=_WK4KQJ8wVo full http://www.adrive.com/public/bb1b031b4b3ea243d7f61fcad55f57634e0c882356619b6e1cd538623e6969f5.html bye SmoKe