Despite having survived ODOS attacks last year, and paypal phishing attacks, it looks like security site CastleCops has closed for good. We wish them well, if they are frequent visitors to bugtraq and are sorry to see them go. Their assistance in investigating and tracking phishers, and their volunteer work was always appreciated by users and system administrators. Some of their data has moved already to: >From their web site: "Greetings Folks, You have arrived at the CastleCops website, which is currently offline. It has been our pleasure to investigate online crime and volunteer with our virtual family to assist with your computer needs and make the Internet a safer place. Unfortunately, all things come to an end. Keep up the good fight folks, for the spirit of this community lies within each of us. We are empowered to improve the safety and security of the Internet in our own way. Let us feel blessed for the impact we made and the relationships created." -- Michael Scheidell, CTO >|SECNAP Network Security Winner 2008 Network Products Guide Hot Companies FreeBSD SpamAssassin Ports maintainer _________________________________________________________________________ This email has been scanned and certified safe by SpammerTrap(r). For Information please see _________________________________________________________________________