this is no security flaw since you must be already logged in within the webinterface of dd-wrt. otherwise this here will not work. we already fixed this issue in our sourcetree as additional information. this is no dd-wrt specific issue. all other firmware like openwrt etc. would suffer from it too. in fact. just a plain POST to a authenticated dd-wrt session. without beeing logged in locally it would not have any effect ----------------------------------- oh god - you dd-wrt people sucks so much. its unbelievable in which way you are handling security advisories. if you would be able to make a post without authentication it would be much worst. I would recommend to read another example for the bad security work of the dd-wrt guys are one this forum post: bitmage discovered that in every fresh release and every custom firewall two other rules are added in front of all. the rules will allow every service on the dd-wrt router from the ip and from the ip some workarounds exist, I didnt test any of them, because dd-wrt isnt trustworth anymore for me. I can confirm this flaw in the latest stable vpn release. please note the workarounds from the main developer from dd-wrt: "even i see no reason for this. these ip addresses arent valid anymore. it seems that chris implemented this for a customer. i removed it now" (they are still in the default install image) "nvram unset ral nvram commit " "there is no security hole. both ip's are not active anymore and obsolete since a long time. " "i will lock this thread now. a new release is scheduled soon (within this or next week), but you cannot force me to release buggy code based on the current internal tree.thats my last statement on this topic" (Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 10:57 pm) I recommend everyone to not use dd-wrt anymore, at least as long as they didnt change their politics and stops talking bullshit "there is no security hole" cheers