-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Subject: XSS vulnerability in phpMyID Credits: Raphael Geissert <atomo64@xxxxxxxxx> Release date: 2008-10-27 Affects: v0.9 [23-Jul-2008] Resources: * Homepage: http://siege.org/projects/phpMyID/ * Demo: http://phpmyid.com Background: phpMyID is a single user OpenID identity provider implemented in PHP. Problem description: The MyID.php script does not sanitize the input it is supposed to be given by the site where the user wants to be authenticated. When the return_to address does not have the same "root" as trust_root it aborts, opening a hole for XSS attacks. Impact: A user can be tricked and redirected to its vulnerable identity provider, place where the specially crafted data exploits the security hole. Example exploit: MyID.php?openid_mode=checkid_immediate&openid_return_to=bar &openid_trust_root=%3Cscript%3Ewindow.alert%28%29%3B%3C%2Fscript%3E &openid_identity=foo -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAkjeokkACgkQYy49rUbZzlrT4gCgiJx+DciYJ/gwGvofowlGHLUa dXIAnRJKr7xKJG71jmabclNAx/GEmLa9 =A51u -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----