On Wed, 07 May 2008, Ken Schaefer wrote: > What I don't see is any proof, in your article, that information from an installation of the Malicious Software Removal Tool was passed onto someone else in the government, without any other consent from the user and without any legal order compelling Microsoft. > > Cheers > Ken Proof? Are you kidding... Proof is in Microsoft's own words read the article: http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/145257/microsoft_botnethunting_tool_helps_bust_hackers.html Botnet fighters have another tool in their arsenal, thanks to Microsoft. / COPIED FROM ARTICLE The software vendor is giving law enforcers access to a special tool that keeps tabs on botnets, using data compiled from the 450 million computer users who have installed the Malicious Software Removal tool that ships with Windows. / END COPY AND PASTE Note the words "using data compiled from the 450 million computer users who have installed the Malicious Software Removal tool that ships with Windows. NOTE THE TERM SHIPS WITH WINDOWS. This figure probably doesn't include machines who've installed it via an update. Also note: (FACT) Your machine reports by DEFAULT until you turn it off. You don't have the chance to agree or disagree to provide logging information which IS BEING USED by law enforcement. In fact... YOU WERE NEVER TOLD. -- =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ J. Oquendo SGFA #579 (FW+VPN v4.1) SGFE #574 (FW+VPN v4.1) wget -qO - www.infiltrated.net/sig|perl http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x3AC173DB